Patient with cancer


1. Understand the major pathways involved in cancer development and progression;
2. Know the incidence, risk factors, clinical presentation and mortality of most common cancers and understanding the growing number of cancer survivors as a result of increasing life expectancy and better treatment results
3. Master the preventive strategies and population screening in Oncology
4. Understand the concepts of the major treatment interventions in oncology: surgery, radiation and systemic treatments
5. Basic knowledge of the clinical presentation, diagnostic evaluation, staging and treatment options for the most common cancers
6. Recognize the most common complications and emergency situations in oncology - the diagnostic and treatment algorithm of situations such as febrile neutropenia and spinal cord compression

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Prof. Doutor José Luís Passos Coelho


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Harrison´s Principles of Internal Medicine 19th Ed, 2015 (reference textbook)
Informação complementar (em português ou em inglês)

Teaching method

Teaching of the discipline includes both weekly lectures by Faculty as well as mini-symposia presented by medical students. Due to COVID19 pandemy, all teaching activities will be remote. Lectures and mini-symposia will be based on PowerPoint presentation with recorded oral presentation. The interactive Clinical Case Discussions will be by ZOOM or TEAMS targeting al the students in each semester

Evaluation method

The final evaluation has two components: 25% of the evaluation is from the student group presentation (mini-symposium) of topics distributed at the beginning of the semester; 75% of the evaluation is from the final exam. The evaluation of the student seminars will take in account not only the scientific content but also the communication skills
The final exam is a written examination with 50 multiple choice, single answer questions; any further final evaluation examinations will be oral, unless the number of examinees, justifies a written exam.  Students must have a score of 10  (=9.5) out of 20 or higher in each component of the examinations to be approved.

Subject matter

1. Cancer Epidemiology
2. Cancer Biology
3. Pharmacologic treatment: chemotherapy, Hormonal treatments and biologics
4. Local Treatment: surgery and radiation
5. Breast cancer
6. Lung cancer
7. Cancer of the Esophagus and Stomach
8. Colorectal cancer
9. Urologic cancer
10. Gynecologic Cancer
11. Viral Oncogenesis
12. Pediatric Oncology
13.  Skin cancer
14.  Neurooncology
15. Sarcomas
16. Oncologic Emmergencies
17. Paliative care


Programs where the course is taught: