Medicine 4.0


Not only in the technological world (Industry 4.0) but also in Medicine, a paradigmatic change is taking place: we are already on the threshold of Medicine 4.0.
Molecular biology has long played a leading role in life sciences. We are now realizing that, with increased miniaturization, microelectronic systems downsized to the dimensions of cellular systems and will facilitate, among other uses, new therapeutic approaches.
Telecommunication systems can also be equipped with sensors and transformed into intelligent medical monitoring devices that can, besides collecting data, help patients to become part of the therapeutic process.
This course intends to provide the students with the knowledge necessary to understand how technology plays multiple important roles in medical practice during the 4th industrial revolution. The students will realize that these innovations will impact significantly their work environment, can reduce workload, but also will provide new job opportunities. They will be prepared, namely, for the upcoming changes in the fields of cybermedicine, artificial intelligence, robotics and medical devices.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Prof. Doutor Márcio Navalho


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





• Thuemmler, C. 2017. Health 4.0: How Virtualization and Big Data are Revolutionizing Healthcare. 1ª Ed, Springer, Cham, Germany.
• Agah, A. 2017. Medical Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 2ª Ed, CRC Press, USA.
• Hehenberger, M. 2015. Nanomedicine: Science, Business and Impact. 1ª Ed, Stanford Publishing, USA.
• Schweikard, A. 2015. Medical Robotics. 1ª Ed, Springer, Switzerland.
• Mesko, B. 2017. The Guide to the Future of Medicine. 2ª Ed, Webicina kft, USA.                                 

Teaching method

Theory practical classes with 1h and 50 min with an exposition component and an interactive component. The first hour will be composed by a theory exposition and the second by evaluation of cases and practical models of the technologies that were approached.
The students will be invited, in small groups and without compromising the base calendar for the visit of Hospitals where they will be able to see real life working of some of the methods on operation.

Evaluation method

Final multiple choice exam (60% of the classification)
Report dedicated to the description of a practical case of innovative technological element applied to Medicine (30% of the classification).
Active participation and frequency of the classes (10% of the classification).                                                       

Subject matter

a) Medicine 4.0 – Concept, Evolution and Perspectives

b) Cybermedicine

c) Entrepreneurship in 4.0 Medical Industry and Patient Centered Innovation

d) Biomechanics

e) Anatomic Models and Simulators

f) Biomedical Instrumentation

g) Bio nanotechnology and Nanotechnological Equipment

h) Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

i) Robotics – Surgical Navigation

j) Robotics – Application on Video-Endoscopic Surgery

k) Medical Devices – Implementation, integration into networks and clinical perspectives

l) Tissue engineering

m) Biocompatibility and tissue bio fabrication of tissues and organs

n) Monitorization and Tele-monitorization

o) Internet of Things

p) Big data, information systems and information management


Programs where the course is taught: