Short Fiction


This Curricular Unit intends to reflect, through reading and writing short stories and also some theory, on problems that the authors proposed in the syllabus faced. 

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Miguel Magalhães de Castro Caldas


Weekly - 3

Total - 280

Teaching language



Available soon


  • Andrade, Alexandre (2019) Todos nós temos medo do Vermelho, amarelo e azul. Lisboa. Relógio D’Água.
  • Auerbach, Erich (1991). Mimesis – The representation of reality in western Europe.  Princeton University Press.
  • Barthelme, Donald (2014). 60 Histórias. Lisboa. Antígona.
  • Fried, Michael (1985). Realism, Writing, Disfiguration. University of Chicago Press.
  • Gogol, Nikolai (2015). Contos de Petersburgo. Lisboa. Assírio & Alvim.
  • May, Charles E. ed (1976) Short Stories Theories. Ohio University Pres.
  • Morson, Gary Saul (2013) Prosaics and other provocations. Boston. Academic Studies Press.
  • O’Connor, Flannery (1988). Collected Works. The Library of America.
  • Piglia, Ricardo (2011). Theses on the Short Story. London. New Left Revue.
  • Salinger, J. D. (2005) Nove Contos. Lisboa Difel.
  • Tchekov, Anton (2001). Contos, Vol II. Lisboa. Relógio D’Água.
  • Todorov, Tzvetan, ed (1999). Teoria da Literatura-I. Lisboa. Edições 70.
  • Woolf, Virginia (1985). O Momento Total. Lisboa. Ulmeiro Universidade.

Teaching method

Classes are organized around thematic topics that are exposed and then discussed in class. The topics are presented based on theory and on literary texts. Each topic generates a proposal for a writing exercise.
Except for the first class, the sessions will be organized in two parts: the presentation and discussion of the topic and a second part in which 2 writing exercises related to the topic launched in the previous class will be discussed. In the first part, two students must register for presenting an exercise in the next class and two other students must register to comment on these 2 exercises. One comment for each text. All students should read all exercises.

Evaluation method

Evaluation Method - Oral comments to two exercises by two colleagues.(20%), Written Essay(80%)

Subject matter

1        Reflect on short story:
a)      We all came from the Gogol’s Coat;
b)      Ricardo Piglia's two theses;
c)      The praise of the prosaic;
d)      The text as an answer;
e)      The Martian's point of view;
f)       Brecht's street scene;
g)      The storyteller and the sirens' song.
2        Writing short story:
a)      Self-conscious writing;
b)      Allegories of the act of writing (Stephen Crane; J.M.Vieira Mendes);
c)      Be what you write or describe what you see? (Robbe-Grillet);
d)      The familiar, the exceptional and the strange;
e)      Writing about those who you don’t know (Virginia Woolf's Mrs Brown);
f)       Resisting causality (Salinger).


Programs where the course is taught: