Advanced Resarch Themes in Artistic Studies


Available soon

General characterization





Responsible teacher

João Mário Lourenço Bagão Grilo


Weekly - 2

Total - 280

Teaching language



Available soon


Com uma estrutura pedagógica diversificada, a Bibliografia do seminário dependerá das propostas de formação que forem oferecidas por cada docente.

With a diversified educational structure, the seminar bibliography shall depend on the training proposals submitted by each member.

Teaching method

This is a doctoral degree seminar that adopts the general methodologies in accordance with
international benchmarks for such courses and hence involving the setting out of themes, problems, artistic materials and bibliographic references, and the critical and guided exploration of this diverse range of materials by students, in a process subject to continuous evaluation and usually the presentation of a final work.The seminar classes will consist in a theoretical approach by the teacher and the presentation of at least a working paper by the student. Selected themes will always include a direct relation with the program issues and are based on relevant texts of fundamental authors, which will be previously distributed among all the participants.

Evaluation method

Evaluation method - Presentation of at least a working paper by the student(100%)

Subject matter

Available soon


Programs where the course is taught: