Web Practices I


Available soon

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Vitor José Pelaio Ventaneira Badalinho


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 280

Teaching language





Norman, Donald A. (2002). The Design of Everyday Things. First Basic paperback
Carroll, ed. (2002). Human-Computer Interaction in the New Millenium. Reading, MA: Addison Wesley.
Horton, Sarah (2007). Access by Design. Open access.
Krug, Steve (2010). Rocket surgery made easy: the do-it-yourself-guide to finding and fixing usability problems. Berkeley, Ca: New Riders Press.
Lynch, P. & Horton, S. (2009). Web Style Guide. 3rd ed. For review of 7530 concepts. Open access.
Mooggridge, Bill. (2006). Designing Interactions. Cambridge(MA): The MIT Press 2006
Morville, P. & Rosenfeld L. (2006). Information architecture for the World Wide Web (3rd ed. ). O´Reilly. First edition available as open access PDF.
Nielsen, Jakob and Loranger, Hoa Loranger (2006). Prioritizing Web Usability. Berkley: New Riders Publishing.
Rubin, Jeffrey & Chisnell, Dana (2008). Handbook of usability testing: How to plan, design and conducteffective test (2nd ed.). New York: Wiley.

Teaching method

Presentation of contents that allow a critical understanding of the main concepts; critical reading and group discussion; brainstorming moments in class. The focus is to provide the ability to apply an articulated approach of the models and concepts involved. The teaching method is: 1) expository with the mandatory participation of students (60%), 2) practical work and team work, and group discussion with specific students contributions (40%).

Evaluation method

Método de Avaliação - 1) Active participion and contribution on class and three small works (one of them team work) with oral presentation(50%), 2) A final paper (3000-4000 words), oral presentation and discussion (50%)

Subject matter

The production of a website requires the mastery of multiple knowledge domains, and uses several multi-disciplinary practices: information systems architecture, communication design, project management, programming languages, etc… This course proposes the acquisition of principles and abilities in order to reach an decent level of content management and production to design the graphical interface and its logical features allowing Web navigation, the strategic positioning of text, of images, audio and video, i.e., the relationship between the systems architecture and Web design. This seminar will also focus on new practices of web content development through modeling styles technologies, like Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) in accordance with the W3C consortium recommendations.


Programs where the course is taught: