Web Practices II


Available soon

General characterization





Responsible teacher

João Francisco Canais Patrício da Costa


Weekly - 3

Total - 280

Teaching language





Converse, Tim (2004). PHP5 and MySQL Bible, New Jersey, Hungry Minds Inc,
Davidson, Louis; Kline, Kevin; Windisch, Kurt (2006). Pro SQL Server 2005 Database Design and Optimization, Apress, New York
Erl, Thomas (2012). Service-oriented Architecture: A Field Guide to Integrating XML and Web Services, NY, Prenti
Johnson, James (2010). Database: Models, Languages, Design, Oxford University Press
Powazek, Derek (2008). Design for Community: The Art of Connecting Real People in Virtual Places, Berkeley, New
Ribeiro, Nuno Magalhães (2007) Multimédia e Tecnologias Interactivas, 2ª Edição Actualizada, FCA - Editora de Informática
Richards, S. (2007) Pro PHP XML and Web Services, New Jersey, Hungry Minds Inc,
Yank, Kevin (2006). Build Your Own Database Driven Website Using PHP & MySQL, Sitepoint

Teaching method

Content presentation is done in fully interaction with specific and real examples of our web practices. Students are required to be actively involved via oral contributions and small writen works concerning online database , search engines, back offices and restricted access areas. a) demonstration of techniques and code development models; b) formal tests and evaluations of usability will be done. c) Finally, a former student is invited for a presentayion of his/her last work and his/her actual work experience. a) b) and c) are desirable regular practices of this curricular unit.


Evaluation method

Método de Avaliação - 1 - Collective working project (50%), 2 - Individual assessment(30%), 3 - Two multiple choice tests(20%)

Subject matter

This seminary aims to provide to the student the background knowledge underlying the creative processes of functional design, fulfilled through the new web technologies.
Methods and techniques will be discussed, with special impact on database architecture and logical planning, in order to enable the production and execution of multimedia projects. In this perspective it will be given a special emphasis on the following topics:
- Interface methods of databases in the Web;
- Database architecture;
- Structure and logical planning;
- Programming language and database interface: Php, MySQL;


Programs where the course is taught: