Final Report in Geography and Territorial Planning
a) To develop the research capacity independently, creatively and critically;
b) To select and apply concepts and methodologies appropriate for solving problems related to the subject matter of the investigation;
c) To develop specific skills in written and oral communication of the results of theoretical research and empirical analysis.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
José António Pereira Tenedório
Weekly - Available soon
Total - 560
Teaching language
Eco, U. (2007). Como se faz uma tese em Ciências Humanas (15ª ed.). Lisboa: Editorial Presença, 240p.
Hay, I. (2004). Qualitative Research Methods in Human Geography (2ª ed.).Oxford: Oxford University Press, 368p.
Healey, P. (2007). Urban Complexity and Spatial Strategies. London: Routledge, 328p.
Montello, D. R.& Sutton, P. (2006). An Introduction to Scientific Research Methods in Geography. London: Sage Publications, 302p.
Quivy, R. & Van Campenhoudt. L (2005). Manual de Investigação em Ciências Sociais (4.ª ed.). Lisboa: Gradiva.
Silva, A. S., Pinto, J.M. (1999). Metodologia das Ciências Sociais. Porto: Afrontamento, 324p.
Bibliografia a indicar em função do tema de trabalho.
Bibliography to be indicated according to the Final Report topic.
Teaching method
The teaching methodology consists of individual tutorial guidance, in which the supervisor accompanies all the supervised student´s work stages and provides the necessary assistance.
Evaluation method
Available soon
Subject matter
The Final Report is developed within the FCSH Research Units, mainly the CICS.NOVA. The work done by students must be inserted in their area of expertise, with a strong tutorial component. It will be required to meet the following requirements:
a) Domain of theoretical knowledge
b) Research capacity in social sciences and humanities
c) Compliance with the steps of the research work
d) Research methodologies
e) Communication (written and oral) research.