Territory and Development
a) To know, reflect and foresee the role of geographical concentration in contemporary world.
b) To understand the relations between population evolutions and movements and territorial sustainable development.
c) To analyse and interpret the philosophy and concepts of municipality socialism and territorial entrepreneurship\".
d) To evaluate the governance concept evolution at local and regional scales, its direct effects and territorial consequences.
e) To assess Globalisation territorial impacts on social exclusion and poverty.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Maria Regina Faia Martins Salvador
Weekly - 2
Total - 280
Teaching language
Blakely, E.J. & Bradshaw, T. (2002). Planning Local Economic Development. Theory and Practice. London.Sage Publications.
Claval, P. (2001). Competitivité Territoriale et Mondialisation. GeoInova,Revista do departamento de Geografia e Planeamento Regional, 3, 11-32.
Pyke, A., Rodriguez, A., Tomaney, John (Ed.) (2015). Local and Regional Development (Critical Concepts in Geography).London: Routledge.
Storper, M. (2013). Keys to the City. How Economics, Social Interaction and Politics shape Development. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Turok, Ivan (2000). The Role of Local Development Policies. In D. Shaw, P. Roberts, J. Walsh (Ed.), Regional Planning and Development in Europe. Burlington: Ashgate.
Teaching method
Expositive and participative classes
Evaluation method
Evaluation method - A scientific paper, resulting from autonomous work(80%), Oral presentation about a topic related with the program(20%), Reading of thematic texts(0%)
Subject matter
1) The role of geographical concentration in contemporary world
2) Clusters and local and regional development
3) Population, sustainability and development
4) Territorial competitiveness, innovation, entrepreneurship and resilience
5) Governance at local and regional scales
6) Poverty and social exclusion.