German A2.2


To attain level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages The independent user: a) Can understand phrases and vocabulary related to more frequent use aspects of personal interest.
b) Can find specific, predictable information in simple everyday material.
c) Can use a series of phrases and sentences to describe in simple terms family and other people, living conditions, schooling.

d) Can write short, simple notes and messages relating to matters of immediate need.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Maria Celeste de Sousa Machado


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language



German A2.1


Finster, Andrea et al: Panorama. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Kursbuch und
Übungsbuch. Berlin: Cornelsen, 2016
Buchwald-Wargenau,Isabel. Mein Leben in Deutschland - der Orientierungskurs:
Basiswissen Politik, Geschichte, Gesellschaft. Deutsch als Fremdsprache/Kursbuch.
München: Hueber, 2019
Christian Fandrych, Ulrike Tallowitz. Klipp und Klar: Übungsgrammatik Grundstufe
Deutsch. Buch mit Lösungen. Stuttgart: Klett, 2016
Funk, H. et al. Lextra - Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Kompaktgrammatik A1-B1. Deutsche
Grammatik. Berlin: Cornelsen, 2010

Teaching method

Practical language teaching. The communicative teaching of the lessons from it aims to
promote the interaction of the learner and an ever more extensive autonomous
learning. The intercultural approach would lead to a better understanding of cultural

Evaluation method

Método de Avaliação - 1 exam(40%), 2 written assignments (2x20%)(40%), active participation during the lessons(20%)

Subject matter

Vocabulary and specific information on the following topics: Homes and dream homes, the different phases of life, celebrities, travel, hotels
Grammatical structures: würde” + infinitive, infinitive + “zu”, present perfect, past perfect, the use of “würd-“, “könnt-“, “sollt-“ (with a view to making plans, proposals and options), direct and indirect questions, local adverbs.
Working methods: Reading and listening to texts,, audiovisual materials, producing written and oral texts, discussions, presentations.