History of England


a) To acquire a panoramic view of the History of Britain;
b) to acquire specific knowledge about the different periods and events of the History of Britain;
c) to be able to analyse critically the selected texts to be discussed;
d) to become familiar with the bibliography on the matters studied;
e) to develop the competences required for research specific to the different periods of the History of Britain.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Gabriela Ferreira Gandara da Silva e Borges Terenas


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language



Available soon


Faria, Luísa Leal de (1996). Sociedade e Cultura Inglesas.Lisboa: Universidade Aberta.
Ferro, Marc (2008). A Grande Guerra, 1914-1918. Trad. Stella Lourenço. Lisboa: Edições 70.
Hobsbawm, Eric (1995). Age of Extremes: the Short Twentieth Century, 1914-1991. London: Abacus.
James, Lawrence (1994). The Rise and Fall of the British Empire. London: Little, Brown.
Kenyon, J.P. (s.d.) A Dictionary of British History. Shere Books.
Magnusson, Magnus (2001). Scotland. The Story of a Nation. New York: Atlantic Monthly Press.
Newsome, David (1998). Victorian World Picture. Perceptions and Introspections in an Age of Change. London: Fontana Press.
Pugh, Martin (1999). State and Society. A Social and Political History of Britain 1870-1997. London: Arnold.
Robbins, Keith (1995). Nineteenth Century Britain: Integration and Diversity. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Schama, Simon (2002). A History of Britain. London: BBC Worldwide, 3 volumes.

Teaching method

Theoretical presentation designed to provide general and specific knowledge about the main periods of the History of Britain as well as the main events related to each of these eras; group discussion of works from the selected critical bibliography, previously read by the students; students will be guided and supported with a view to preparing them for the test and the production of the team research work.

Evaluation method

Evaluation Methodologies - one written classroom test(55%), oral presentation of a research work related to one of the topics of the programme to be carried out in small groups (ideally two students)(40%), participation in class discussions and analysis of selected texts (5%)

Subject matter

1. The Middle Ages: the Anglo-Saxon Period, the Norman Conquest, the Magna Carta, the Hundred Years' War, the War of the Roses and the Origins of Parliament and its Evolution up to the 17th c. (450-1603)
2. From the Reformation to the 1688 Revolution: the Religious Question, the Anglican Reformation and Puritanism, the Elizabethan Era, the Parliamentary Revolt, and the Glorious Revolution (1425-1688)
3. From the Era of Revolutions to the Napoleonic Wars: the Scientific Revolution, English Mercantilism, the Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions, and Britain's Role in the Napoleonic Wars (1627-1815)
4. The Victorian Era: Economic Expansion, Victorian Society and Values, Political and Social Reforms, Empire and Foreign Policy (1830-1914)
5. Crises and World Wars: Britain's Role in the Great War, Britain's Role in the Second World War, the Welfare State, and Decolonisation and the Founding of the Commonwealth (1914-1960)