Introduction to Literary Studies


a) To recognize the main literary problematics through the analysis of some essential topics;

b) To obtain systematic general and historically organized information about the programme subjects;

c) To know critical approaches and relevant conceptual schemes relevant in the area of literary studies;

d) To acquire literary critical competence on the literary text through the practice of commentary and analysis.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Pedro Miguel Pimentel Sepúlveda de Gouveia Teixeira, Eduarda Gil Lopes Barata, Margarida Gouveia Esperança Pina Saraiva de Reffoios, Maria da Conceição de Albuquerque Emiliano Onofre Castel-Branco


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language





Aristóteles. Poética. Trad. Ana Maria Valente. Pref. Maria Helena da Rocha Pereira. 4.ª Edição. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2011.
Eagleton, Terry. Introduction: What is literature?. In Literary theory: an introduction. Second Edition. Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press, 1996. 1-14.
Kafka, Franz. Os Filhos – três histórias. Trad. Álvaro Gonçalves. Lisboa: Assírio & Alvim, 2007.
Platão. A República. Int., trad. e notas Maria Helena da Rocha Pereira. 6.ª edição. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1990. 86-136, 451-477.
Sokel, Walter H. Beyond Self-Assertion: A Life of Reading Kafka. In A Companion to the Works of Franz Kafka. Edited by James Rolleston. Rochester & Suffolk: Camden House, 2002. 33-59.

Teaching method

Available soon

Evaluation method

Método de avaliação - Two written tests (80%), attendance and participation in practical classes(20%)

Subject matter

1. What can literature be/do? The concept of lIterature and the literary semiotic system

1.1. Literature and literariness

1.2. Literature and fictionality: from knowing literature to literature as knowledge

1.3. Literary memory: literature, tradition and poetic innovation

1.4. Canon and transgression: literature as an institution

1.5. Borders and margins of literature 

2. Literary evolution and literary periods

2.1. Ambitions and limits of periodology

2.2. Literature and representation: Realism, the imaginary and language

2.3. The dynamics of literary periods 

3. Literary genres

3.1. Literary genres and world visions

3.2. The lyric mode and the subject´s problematic

3.3. Drama and the spectacle of theatre

3.4. The narrative phenomenon 

4. Literature as dialogue 

4.1. The author and the poetical creation: originality and intertextuality

4.2. The dialogue with history

4.3. The dialogue with science

4.4. The interarts dialogue