Introduction to Comparative History of Literature in the Iberian Peninsula
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Pedro Santa María de Abreu
Weekly - 4
Total - 168
Teaching language
Available soon
1. - Alvar, Mainer, Navarro (2014). Breve Historia de la Literatura Española. Madrid: Alianza.
2. Lopes, Graça Videira; Ferreira, Manuel Pedro et al. (2011-), Cantigas Medievais Galego Portuguesas [base de dados online]. Lisboa: Instituto de Estudos Medievais, FCSH/NOVA.
3. Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes (La Celestina, Lazarillo de Tormes, Don Quijote de la Mancha)
4. Camões, José (dir.). Centro de Estudos de Teatro, Teatro de Autores Portugueses do Séc. XVI - Base de dados textual [on-line].
5.Tavani, Giuseppe, “A poesia lírica na literatura hispânica do século XIII” e “Problemas da poesia lírica galego-portuguesa”. Ensaios Portugueses: Filologia e Linguística. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, 1988.
Teaching method
Classes will be both theoretical and practical in nature, connecting information from literary history and theory with Comparative Literature methods. Group and individual analyses and reflections guided by the teacher. Tutorial supervising of individually prepared oral and written presentations. Face-to-face and/or partially online classes.
Evaluation method
Evaluation Methodologies - Active and adequate participation in class(15%), Two individual comparative essays (25%), Two written tests(60%)
Subject matter
Programs where the course is taught: