Contemporary Literature of the Iberian Peninsula


a) To improve knowledge of the diverse literary forms which have been developed throughout the XXth century across the Iberian Peninsula. 
b) To dialog with some of the most relevant texts of several contemporary Iberian literatures (excluding Portuguese literature). 
c) To improve knowledge of Iberian and European historical, social, literary and artistic contexts. 
d) To develop critical reading skills of their literary texts. 
e) To develop skills of finding, selecting and interpreting significant information, textual and non-textual, through transdisciplinary perspectives, regarding the proposed subjects. 
f) To develop skills to elaborate reflections, based on argumentation through correctly gathered and articulated information. 
g) To develop speech and writing: about acquired information, critical readings and personal perspectives and

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Isabel Rute Araújo Branco


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language



Available soon


BECERRA MAYOR, David, La Guerra Civil como moda literaria. Madrid: Clave Intelectual, 2015.
FABER, Sebastiaan, «La literatura como acto afiliativo: la nueva novela de la Guerra Civil (2000-2007)». Álvarez Blanco, M. P. (coord.), Contornos de la narrativa española actual. Madrid: Iberoamericana, 2011. 101-110.
GIBSON, Ian, Cuatro poetas en guerra: Antonio Machado, Juan Ramón Jiménez, Federico García Locas, Miguel Hernández. Barcelona: Planeta, 2010.
LARRAZ, Fernando, «El lugar de la narrativa del exilio en la literatura española». Iberoamericana, XII, 47, 2012. 101-113.
MAGALHÃES, Gabriel, Los españoles. Barcelona: Elba, 2016.
PÉREZ ISASI, Santiago e FERNANDES, Ângela (eds), Looking at Iberia. A Comparative European Perspective. Bern: Peter Lang, 2013.
RICO, Francisco (ed.), Historia y crítica de la literatura española. Madrid: Crítica.
SÁNCHEZ ZAPATERO, Javier. «Memoria y literatura: escribir desde el exilio». Lectura y Signo, 3, 2008. 437-453.

Teaching method

Classes will be both theroretical and practical in nature, interweaving information from literary history and theory with Comparative Literature methods. They stress interaction between teacher and students. Collective and individual analysis and reflection are guided by the teacher.

Evaluation method

Método de avaliação - exam(50%), works done by students: essays to be presented in class and in written version.(50%)

Subject matter

1. Introdution to spanish literatures (XX century).
2. The spanish literatures and cinema, fotography, arts and arquitecture.
3. The «Generación del 98» and the vanguards.
4. Generación del 27´s poetry. The importance of women: «Las Sinsombrero». Luisa Carnés' Tea Rooms. Mujeres obreras and short stories.
5. The Civil War and the exile: María Teresa León, Miguel Hernández, Francisco Ayala e Max Aub.
6. Franco´s dictatorship: «tremendismo» and «existencialismo»: Nada (Carmen Laforet).
7. The new century: Los girasoles ciegos (Alberto Méndez).
8. The XXI century society: La tiza roja, de Isaac Rosa, and Existiríamos El Mar, de Belén Gopegui.