Spanish A2


To reach the basis of level A2 of the CEFR.
1. To develop the textual and oral skills required to attend level B1.
2. To be able to understand and write basic texts (self introductions, short emails, summaries, compositions) on personal issues.
3. To develop, both in text and orally, brief opinions about contemporary issues, with a sense of open-mindeness and interest in cultural diversity.
4. To identify basic contrastive features between Spanish and Portuguese.
5. To be knowledgeable about the basis of history, political situation and linguistic reality of Spain.
6. To promote intercultural awareness and aknowledging language-cultures relations.
7. To apply contents in the fields of Languages, Literature, Culture and Translation.
8. To develop autonomous learning and strategic competence to facilitate the learning process.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Armando Trinidad Aguilar de Leon, Maria Nieves Lagunas Vila, Coral Mateo Franquesa


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language



Completed level A1


1.AAVV, (2013). Gente Hoy (A1+A2). Nueva edición. Libro del alumno. Barcelona: Difusión.
2. Raya et al., (2011). Gramática Básica del Estudiante de Español. Edición Revisada y Ampliada. Barcelona: Difusión.
3. Diccionario on line de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española:
4. Chamorro, C., et al., (2012). Todas las Voces. Curso de Cultura y Civilización (A1A2), Barcelona: Difusión.
5. Santos, C. (2016). Mentira. Barcelona: Edebé.

Teaching method

Inductive and deductive, formal and communicative activities, based on one or more type of language feature (expression, comprehension, interaction and mediation), focussing on the students' needs, and emphasising the integration of skills, intercultural reflection, autonomous learning and the use of digital media.
Continuous Evaluation. Two tests done in class; oral presentations and written work. Evaluation will be based on communicative competence, accuracy and appropriacy, the use of learning strategies, knowledge about sociocultural aspects of the Hispanic world and an ability for critical cultural reflection.


Evaluation method

Evaluation Methodologies - Oral expression and oral interaction in class (20%). Written compositions (20%)(40%), Reading test: commentary of a work (extensive reading)(20%), Test: linguistic, pragmatic and cultural contents(40%)

Subject matter

1. Expression of basic, working and academic informations, including past experiences and short-term plans.
2. Position of personal pronouns. Nouns, adjectives, connectors and adverbs linked with past actions.
3. Form and basic uses of main past tenses, of imperative and subjunctive.
4. Narration of past experiences, expressing judgments and giving instructions.
5. Language levels: formal, informal.
6. European Spanish phonetics and prosody.
7. Widen basic vocabulary for personal and social interactive situations.
8. Elementary phraseology in daily contexts.
9. Basic ortography.
10. Introduction to Spanish mass media and Internet resources, TV, Press.