Literature and Other Arts


a) Understanding and questioning the relation of literature with other arts, using theoretical concepts in the perspective of Comparative Literature. 
b) Developing comparatist studies and studies on the imaginary, through the dialogue of literature with other arts, namely with painting, with a focus on nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
c) Developing research competences in the area of Comparative Literature in order to prepare critical interpretations. 
d) Assessing student learning.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Alda Maria Jesus Correia


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language



Available soon


Aguiar e Silva, V. (1990). Relações da literatura com outras artes. In Teoria e Metodologia Literárias (159-180). Lisboa: Universidade Aberta. 
Baudelaire, C. (2006). A invenção da modernidade (sobre arte, literatura e música). Trad. Pedro Tamen. Lisboa: Relogio d´Água.
Louvel, L. (2011). Poetics of the iconotex. London: Ashgate.  
Pageaux, D. (1994). Littérature et Arts. In La littérature générale et comparée (149-167). Paris: Armand Colin Éditeur. 
Shattuck, R. (2003). The Innocent Eye: On Modern Literature and the Arts. USA: MFA.

Teaching method

Lectures (60%) and class discussions (40%) with discussions and analysis of texts and images (primary and secondary bibliography).

Evaluation method

Método de avaliação - Written essay with oral defence (50%), and final test(50%)

Subject matter

Literature and its relations with other arts (XIX-XX centuries)

1. Interart Studies: critical introduction.

2. Ways of seeing. The relation text-image. Romanticism: Victor Hugo and Delacroix .

3.Realism and naturalism: the faithful and honest reproduction - Flaubert, Maupassant and Courbet. 

4. Impressionism: the priority of perception – Tchekhov, Baudelaire and Monet.

5. Symbolism: 1. crossed relations - Huysmans and Gustave Moreau; 2. Baudelaire, Verlaine and Mallarmé - the visual and spatial side of symbolist poetics.

6. Kandinsky´s theorization. Surrealism and cubism: challenge to mimesis - Breton, Apollinaire and Magritte.

7. England: the picturesque aesthetics. The Pre-Raphaelites. 

8. Literature and music.