19th Century Portuguese Culture
The syllabus of 19th Century Portuguese Culture is divided into three parts, in which there will be a reflection on how the most important social movements contributed to great and different cultural changes: Liberalism, focusing on the beginning of the constitutional monarchy, the rise of the bourgeoisie, the freedom of the press, the education and new leisure spaces; Positivism, with emphasis on the 1870’s generation, the steam engine and the railway, and the quarrel between faith and science; and Decadence, in which period the English Ultimatum takes place, encreasing the political conflict between monarchy and republicanism.
In order to develop a collective participation during classes, the reading and interpretation of 19th-century spelling texts is continuously encouraged. To help in understanding the issues that are adressed, there is a balanced use of resources in visual support, such as painting and photography.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
António Manuel Martins Gomes
Weekly - 4
Total - 168
Teaching language
BONIFÁCIO, Maria de Fátima, O Século XIX Português, Lisboa, ICS - Universidade de Lisboa, 2002.
CATROGA, Fernando. 1977. “Os inícios do positivismo em Portugal. O seu significado político-social”. Separata da Revista de História das Ideias, I. Coimbra, 287-394.
FRANÇA, José-Augusto. 1993. O Romantismo em Portugal – Estudo de factos socioculturais. 2ª ed.. Lisboa, Livros Horizonte.
PIRES, António Machado. 1980. A ideia de decadência na Geração de 70. Ponta Delgada, Instituto Universitário dos Açores.
PIRES, António Machado. 1975.O Século XIX em Portugal. Cronologia e Quadro de Gerações, Lisboa, Livraria Bertrand.
MACHADO, Álvaro Manuel. 1981. A Geração de 70 – uma revolução cultural e literária, 2ª. ed. (1ª ed. 1977). Lisboa, Instituto de Cultura e Língua Portuguesa.
MATTOSO, José (dir.). 2011. História da vida privada em Portugal – A época contemporânea. Lisboa: Temas e Debates.
SERRÃO, Joel. 1959 e 1978. Temas oitocentistas, I e II. Lisboa, Livros Horizonte.
Teaching method
Throughout the semester, we intend to develop students’ skills on their research practices on the 19th-century Portuguese culture. For this purpose, students are encouraged to take part in the class activities, as well as reading and interpret coeval texts. As a complement to aid understanding the subject discussed, there is a balanced use of visual support resources (painting and photography), and it is planned a study visit to the Prazeres cemetery, a " garden of stone" that marks the growing importance of secularism, public health and death, beyond its prominence on funerary art and in evoking personalities that have there their final abode.
Evaluation method
Evaluation Method - written assignment or a classroom presentation(40%), assessment method is based on a test(60%)
Subject matter
1 – The political and social criticism
2 – Happiness through science
3 – The anticlericalism
III – Decadence
1 – Republicanism
2 – The English Ultimatum
3 – The pessimism
Programs where the course is taught: