Problematics of Economic and Social Modernity in Contemporary Portugal


Knowledge of Portuguese economy and society history, particularly in the twentieth century, having in mind their international framework; structural features and major changes that have occurred in the economic and social structure; the fundamental principles of thought and Portuguese economic policy; the methodologies and sources and fundamental bibliography related to the fundamental themes and the ability to analyse and interpret them; Development of skills and competencies that allow to understand and critically reflect on key conjunctures and the reasons that determined the stages of economic and social Portuguese history; to support critical thinking on the topic of development and to think Portugal’s economic and social development in an international framework in particular European. Acquisition of knowledge and skills that allow the deepening and the accomplishment of studies on the subjects addressed.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Maria Fernanda Fernandes Garcia Rollo


Weekly - 3

Total - 280

Teaching language



Available soon


BRITO, Brandão de, A Industrialização Portuguesa no Pós-Guerra (1948-1965). O Condicionamento Industrial, Lisboa, 1989 LAINS, Pedro e SILVA, AF (Org.), História Económica de Portugal 1700-2000, Lisboa, ICS, 2005. ROLLO, Maria Fernanda, “Percursos Cruzados”, in Engenho e Obra. Uma abordagem à História da Engenharia em Portugal no Século XX, Coord. J. M. Brandão de BRITO, Manuel HEITOR e ROLLO, Lisboa, 2002;  Portugal e a Reconstrução Económica do Pós-Guerra. O Plano Marshall e a Economia Portuguesa dos anos 50, 2007; Ciência, Cultura e Língua em Portugal no Século XX, com Maria Inês Queiroz, Tiago Brandão e Ângela Salgueiro, INCM, 2012; Portugal e a Europa, 65 anos de história. 25 Anos de Adesão, 3 vols, com J. M. Brandão de Brito e J F Amaral, Tinta da China, 2011; História da Ordem dos Engenheiros, com Ana Pires, 2012. LOPES, José da Silva, A Economia Portuguesa desde 1960, Lisboa, 1996.ROSAS, Fernando, O Estado Novo (1926-1974) (História de Portugal, Dir. J. Mattoso), Lisboa, 1994.

Teaching method

Seminar, combining presentation sessions of the nature and the problematics associated with key aspects of the program with the presentation and discussion of texts and topics by the students. The planning and scheduling of the activities is defined, presented and distributed at the beginning of the academic cycle. The presentation of the topics, accompanied by the identification, in the classroom and via moodle, of documents, sources and bibliography, and other resources, namely in the web, assumes and appeals, beyond the expository and explanatory dimension, scenery’s of interpretation, problematization and discussion of the contents.

Evaluation method

Evaluation Methodologies - Participation in the seminars, the preparation and presentation of a small written assignment of bibliographic synthesis, the preparation, presentation and class discussion of a written essay (20 p.) drawn through the research in primary sources and bibliography. Tutorial follow up of the diverse evaluation elements. (100%)

Subject matter

Seminar dedicated to the study of the nature and the social and productive structure, policies and strategies pursued and main conjunctures that marked the Portuguese economy and society, considering its inclusion in an international context. The program includes (i) an epistemological approach of the economic and social history, contents, methodologies, perspectives and trends; (ii) assessment of key documental collections, sources and bibliography and (iii) the study of the most relevant topics of the Portuguese economy and society between the late nineteenth century and the post April 25th. Through a brief characterization of the economy and society of the late nineteenth century we will focus successively the characteristics of the economic and social tissue, the policies and the reform proposals for the periods of the First Republic, Military Dictatorship, New State and the Revolution of April 1974, considering the colonial and international frameworks where they were enrolled 


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