Methodologies in Linguistics


a) develop autonomous research skills;
b) gain a deep knowledge on different research methodologies in linguistics;
c) recognize the adequacy of different research methods to specific research questions.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Maria Antónia Diniz Caetano Coutinho


Weekly - 2

Total - 280

Teaching language



Available soon


Além de títulos gerais transversais às diferentes áreas de investigação, serão incluídos títulos específicos para diferentes subdomínios e metodologias específicas.
Booth, Wayne C., Gregory G. Colomb & Joseph M. Williams (2008) The Craft of Research. Chicago/London: The university of Chicago Press, 3ª ed.
Day, Robert A. & Barbara Castel (2012) How to write and publish a scientific paper? Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 7ª ed.
Hartley, James (2008) Academic writing and publishing. A practical handbook. New York: Routledge.
Lüdeling, Anke & Merja Kytö, eds. (2008) Corpus Linguistics: an international handbook. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
Field, Andy & Graham Hole (2003) How to design and report experiments. London: SAGE.
Schütze, Carson T. (2006) Data and evidence. In K, Brown, ed. Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Oxford: Elsevier; 356-363.
Blom, Ema & Sharon Unsworth, eds. (2010) Experimental Methods in Language Acquisition Research. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: J Benjamins.

Teaching method

The different modules will include a theoretical and a pratical component, which will enable the students to get acquainted with specific research methodologies. In each module the student will have to complete a short assignment applying specific tools.

Evaluation method

Evaluation method - The final grade will result from the mean of the grades obtained in each module. (100%)

Subject matter

According to the specific specialty areas available in each academic year, several modules will be offered on specific methodologies for each linguistics research field (including, among others, methods of corpus analysis, experimental methods, qualitative analysis methodologies, fieldwork) and on cross-disciplinary skills for the development of research (statistical analysis, communicating science, research ethics, research skills, among others). Some of these modules may be obtained in NOVA´s doctoral school. The choice of the different modules will be supervised by each student´s supervisor.