Text and Discourse Linguistics
At the end of the curricular unit students will be able to:
a) characterise the theoretical and epistemological assumptions of the area of specialisation in the broader context of Linguistic Studies;
b) properly combine levels of textual and discursive description with (micro-level) linguistic analysis;
c) present reasons and arguments that can contribute to the debate about the psychosocial nature of language;
d) consider possible contributions from Text and Discourse Linguistics to the development of other areas of knowledge and work;
e) develop relevant research designs to answer questions that remain open in the field and conduct interdisciplinary work associated with other areas aimed at responding to requests of social nature.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Maria Antónia Diniz Caetano Coutinho
Weekly - 2
Total - 280
Teaching language
Bronckart, J.-P. (2012). A linguagem no centro dos sistemas que constituem o
ser humano. Caderno de Letras, 2012, n° 18, p. 33-53.
Bulea, E., and Bronckart, J.-P. (2008). As potencialidades praxiológicas e
epistêmicas dos (tipos de) discursos. Scripta, 22 (nº12), pp. 43-84.
Coseriu, E. (1977). El hombre y su lenguaje. Estudios de teoría y metodologíalingüística. Madrid : Gredos.
Gee, J. P., & Handford, M. (eds) (2012). The Routledge Handbook of Discourse
Analysis. London and New York: Routledge.
Monte, M. and Philippe, G. (2014). Genres et textes. Déterminations, évolutions et
confrontations. Etudes offertes à Jean-Michel Adam. Lyon: Presses
Universitaires de Lyon.
Riestra, D. (2010). Saussure, Voloshinov y Bajtin revisitados: Estudios
históricos y epistemológicos. Buenos Aires: Miño y Dávila Editores.
Teaching method
The curricular unit will be taught through lectures, when required, but it will be essentially seminar-based, with the emphasis being placed on the presentation and discussion of previously selected texts, as well as on the participation in significant events (conferences or workshops) and phased discussion of research projects that are to be developed within the field.
Evaluation method
Evaluation method - Evaluation will include: active participation in sessions (15%), a critical review of an article(25%), and the writing of a research project(60%)
Subject matter
1. Text and Discourse Linguistics as an area of specialisation: epistemological
assumptions and theoretical frameworks.
2. Text(s) and discourse(s) as study objects: descriptive perspectives and
models of analysis.
3. Praxeological and epistemic issues associated with the functioning of texts
and discourses.
4. Language functioning: grammar skills and textual and discursive practices.
5. Text and Discourse Linguistics in connection with other fields (literary
analysis, IT developments, text revision and editing, approaches to didactic
transposition, activity theory and analysis of professional practices, among