Poetics in the XXth and XXIth centuries


1.Get an overview of the great currents of 20th century European poetry
2. Understand the differences and similarities between the major poetics, from symbolism to postmodernism.
3. Define the concept of poetics and its application to individual practices of poetic creation.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Alda Maria Jesus Correia


Weekly - 3

Total - 280

Teaching language





Davis, A e Jenkins, L., eds., The Cambridge Companion to Modernist Poetry, Cambridge, Cambridge UP, 2007.
Hermans, Theo, The Structure of Modernist Poetry, London, Croom Helm, 1982.
Howarth, Peter, The Cambridge Introduction to Modernist Poetry, Cambridge, Cambridge UP, 2012.

Teaching method

Seminars: 60%; lectures: 40%.
1. seminars on topics of the syllabus focusing specifically on historic and theoretic issues; students will be introduced to methods of efficient organization of information and development of critical skills as well as to methods for management of research resources; reading critical studies and literary bibliography aims to provide students with significant scientific autonomy and the capacity to evaluate their learning progress; 2. supervised practical analysis of critical and literary texts chosen in the perspective of the course and relevant for their study and discussion with the group ;
3. Preparing students to produce an essay on a topic of the syllabus.

Evaluation method

Available soon

Subject matter

A. A journey through twentieth and twenty-first centuries poetry, through the study of some invariants that accompany the determining authors in the construction of a canon.
1. Poetry as a reflection of poetic thinking.
2. The subject: identification and difference
3. The relation of poetry to other arts.
4. Experience of the word and rupture of the formal boundaries of the poem.

B. Theoretical questions:
1. A literary history: generations, movements, magazines
2. Problems of analysis of the poetic text.
3. Comparative Poetics