area of specialisation in Planning and Territorial Organisation

Education objectives

-­ Develop theoretical and methodological knowledge about Planning and Territorial Management(TM); ­- Apply spatial analysis methodologies and techniques, diagnosis and foresight; -­ Develop spatial analysis models with technologies and GIS; -­ Have scientific and technical expertise to deal and develop spatial planning tools in order to understand the impact of technical and political decisions in the territory; -­ Lead/develop studies and projects in the areas of Environment, Planning and Territorial Development, Remote Sensing and GIS, within an integrated TM perspective; -­ Evaluate, scientific and technically studies and projects in the areas of Environment, Development, Planning and TM. ­- Apply knowledge and competences in solving new and/or complex issues, in multidisciplinary settings. -­ Ability to develop original applications and do research. ­- Communicate the knowledge and know­how in the fields of Geography and GT to different audiences.

General characterization

DGES code



Specialization Area



Access to other programs

Access to the cycle of studies which leads to a Doctorate Degree. For the specific access conditions, consult the regulations governing the doctoral programmes at NOVA FCSH.


Jorge Ricardo da Costa Ferreira

Opening date





1200 Euros/year or 2500 Euros/year (foreign students)


Presencial Pós-Laboral

Teaching language

Portuguese Language

Degree pre-requisites

Duration: 2 years/4 semesters
Total credits: 120 credits (60 credits from curricular units + 60 credits from the non-teaching component)
Non-teaching component modes: Dissertation or Project Work or Internship with Report.
The student performs 50 credits in all the curricular units offered. The student may also carries out 10 credits as free-elective optional (from curricular units of postgraduate level at FCSH/NOVA, UNL, or other national or foreign institutions of higher education under agreement).
The degree of «mestre» corresponds to the level 7 of the NQF and EQF-National Qualifications Framework/European Qualifications Framework.


- Develop theoretical and methodological knowledge about Planning and Territorial Management(TM);
- Apply spatial analysis methodologies and techniques, diagnosis and foresight; ­ Develop spatial analysis models with technologies and GIS;
­- Have scientific and technical expertise to deal and develop spatial planning tools in order to understand the impact of technical and political decisions in the territory;
­- Lead/develop studies and projects in the areas of Environment, Planning and Territorial Development, Remote Sensing and GIS, within an integrated TM perspective;
-­ Evaluate, scientific and technically studies and projects in the areas of Environment, Development, Planning and TM;
-­ Apply knowledge and competences in solving new and/or complex issues, in multidisciplinary settings;
-­ Ability to develop original applications and do research;
-­ Communicate the knowledge and know­how in the fields of Geography and GT to different audiences.

This path is an option of

Master in Territorial Management

Conditions of admittance

Application and access conditions to the cycle of studies reflect the conditions established in the national legislation, namely: - to hold a licenciado degree or legal equivalent; - to hold a foreign academic degree recognized by the Scientific Council of NOVA FCSH; -to hold an academic, scientific or professional curriculum vitae recognized by the Scientific Council of NOVA FCSH. Applicants will be selected and ranked according to the criteria annually defined in the application edict.

Evaluation rules

A final grade, expressed as a number between 10 and 20 on a scale of 0 to 20 as well as its equivalent on the ECTS grading scale, is awarded for the post-graduate diploma. The final grade of the post-graduate diploma is the average, by credit, of the grades obtained in the course units in which the student obtained the 60 credits from the taught part of the Masters course. A final grade, expressed as a number between 10 and 20 on a scale of 0 to 20 as well as its equivalent on the ECTS grading scale, is awarded for the Masters degree. The final grade of the Masters degree will be the average of the final grade of the taught part of the course, weighted to 40%, and the grade awarded to the dissertation, project work or practical work experience report, weighted to 60%.


Conditional Options (a) Students complete at least 40 ects in the set of these curricular units
Code Name ECTS
722041052 Territorial Planning 10.0
722041054 Strategic Planning 10.0
02100413 Políticas de Habitação (not translated) 10.0
722041093 Urban Regeneration 10.0
722041089 Transport and Mobility 10.0
Mandatory ECTS number: 40
Conditional Options (b) Students take at least 10 credits in the set of these curricular units up to a maximum of 20 credits
Code Name ECTS
722041025 Environment and Global Changes 10.0
722041029 Digital Cartography and Design 10.0
722041077 Environmental Catastrophes and Society 10.0
722041080 Degradation of Mediterranean Ecosystems 10.0
722041036 Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing 10.0
722041081 Energy and the Environment 10.0
722041055 Environmental Policies 10.0
722041062 Geographic Information Systems and Spatial Analysis 10.0
722041085 Geographic Information Systems and Coastal Planning 10.0
722041086 Municipal Geographic Information Systems 10.0
Mandatory ECTS number: 10
Conditional Options (c) To carry out the non-teaching component leading to a master's degree, the student must opt ​​for one of the modalities offered.
Code Name ECTS
722041116 Dissertation in Territorial Management - Planning and Territorial Organisation 55.0
722041117 Work Experience with Report in n Territorial Management - Planning and Territorial Organisation 55.0
722041118 Project Work in Territorial Management - Planning and Territorial Organisation 55.0
Mandatory ECTS number: 55
Code Name ECTS
722041109 Methodologies in Territorial Management Seminar 5.0
Regra que permite inscrição em um máximo de 10 ECTS que podem ser obtidos em unidades curriculares de nível pós -graduado da FCSH, ou de outras instituições de Ensino Superior nacionais ou estrangeiras, mediante protocolo. NOTA: Todas as inscrições em unidades curriculares de cursos livres ou de escola de verão serão rejeitadas.