Dissertation in Translation - Area of Specialisation in German


a) To draw up a Master’s Degree Dissertation in Translation based on original research and a state­of­the­art approach to the topic.
b) To analyse, interpret and critically review relevant and up­to­date academic bibliography referring to the chosen topic.
c) To specify the research problems and the respective theoretical framework as well as the relevance of the study to the advance of theoretical and/or empirical knowledge.
d) To gather, analyse and compile the data obtained.
e) To write up the Dissertation in forty to sixty pages (excluding bibliography and appendices).f) To prepare an oral presentation of the Dissertation (in PowerPoint) to last fifteen to twenty minutes. g) To prepare the public discussion of the Dissertation, lasting no more than ninety minutes.

General characterization





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A bibliografia específica depende da natureza da investigação e deve ser adequada à temática da cada Dissertação. Não obstante, indicam­-se três obras de consulta geral:

The specific bibliography will depend upon the subject of each research project and should be appropriate for the topic of each Dissertation. However, three works are recommended for general reading:

1) Ceia, C. (2012). Normas para Apresentação de Trabalhos Científicos. 9a edição. Lisboa: Editorial Presença.

2) Fabb, N. and Durant, A. (2005). How to Write Essays and Dissertations. Second Edition.Harlow: Pearson Education.

3) McNiff, J. (2002). Action Research: Principles and Practice. London: Routledge.

Teaching method

The teaching methodology consists of supervision, guidance, and the organisation and management of critical analysis and reflection. Students will be supervised by 1/more teachers in this area who will provide guidance through regular one­to­one meetings. Other activities are foreseen, such as participation in lectures, congresses, colloquia,among others; the use of on­line databases and libraries; the definition of a research plan and a working timetable; and the drawing up of a calendar for the delivery of work. The assessment will be carried out by a jury in a public session, following: 1) identification of the topic and respective justification; 2) originality and relevance of the proposal on the area of studies; 3) theoretical background, revealing a critical awareness of the available bibliography and the ability to analyse the same; 4) quality of the writing; 5) quality of oral presentation of the work in public; 6) defence and public discussion of the Dissertation.

Evaluation method

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Subject matter

Based on the candidate’s own original research, the Master’s Degree Dissertation will develop the work previously covered in class, and will be carried out under the academic supervision of one or more teachers in the specific area of studies, approved by the Academic Council of the Faculty. Each MA student will carry out advanced research on his/her subject matter, so that the syllabus content will depend upon the research topics chosen. Specific analytical perspectives and bibliography will be presented in one­to­one supervisory sessions.


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