Social Demography and Demographic Policies


a) Recognize the characteristics and objectives of Demography in its various subdivisions, with special emphasis on population studies and demographic policies
b) Acquire relevant information about volumes and dynamics of recent and future human populations, as well as their determinants and implications
c) Acquire skills on Demographic Analysis techniques
d) Identify the most relevant sites on demographic information systems and demographic policies

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Teresa Maria Ferreira Rodrigues


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language



Not Applicable


EBERSTADT, Nicholas – «Demography and International Relations», In Washington Quarterly, 1998. Disponível em:; 
GOLDSTONE, Jack A., KAUFMANN, Eric P. e TOFT, Monica Duffy (Ed.) – Political Demography, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012
MAY, John – World Population Policies – their origin, evolution and impact, Washington: Springer, 2012.
NAZARETH, M, Demografia – A Ciência da População, Lisboa, Ed. Presença, 2004; 
RODRIGUES, Teresa (Coord.), “História da População Portuguesa. Das Longas Permanências à Conquista da Modernidade”, Ed. CEPESE e Edições Afrontamento Lda., 2008

Teaching method

The course will be taught using the b-learning method, which includes the presentation of topics by teachers in the classroom, and the student’s self-study through the provision of study material, available in Moodle (

Evaluation method

Evaluation Method - Exam(50%), Team work(50%)

Subject matter

1. Demography: the population science
1.1. definitions of the demographic science. The social demography.
1.2. Theories about the importance of human factor.

2. The demographic dynamics - in the world, Europe and Portugal
2.1. The main trends of population evolution in the world
2.2. The future of the regions - case studies.
2.3. Europe in the world
2.4. The migration flows.
2.6. Portugal: continuities and changes.

3. Demography and the security and geo-strategic dynamics.

4.The demographic policies: from the theory to intervention
4.1. The world population conferences.
4.2. The demographic policies - case studies.

5. Population dinamics´ theory and practice
5.1. The demographic information systems
5.2. Human population growth´s volumes and rates – analysis methods
5.3. Analysis of structures by age and sex.


Programs where the course is taught: