Research Methods and Techniques
a) Present the main tools required to study the social phenomenon, bearing in mind its understanding, analysis, presentation and methodological rigor
b) Provide theoretical concepts inherent to the scientific acknowledgment
c) Provide the methodological tools essential to carry out research;
d) Learn about the several types of methods and techniques that can be used in the social sciences study, in order to be able to analysis and criticize some issues.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Carmen Sofia Rodrigues Silva Fonseca
Weekly - 4
Total - 168
Teaching language
Lisboa: Gradiva, 1997. [CS 12640 - FCSH]
BRYMAN, Alan e TEEVAN, James J. – Social research methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. [CS 11690]
ECO, Umberto – Como se faz uma tese em ciências humanas. Lisboa: Editorial Presença, 1998.
QUIVY, Raymond e Campenhoudt, Luc Van – Manual de investigação em ciências sociais, 2ª ed. rev. e aument. Lisboa: Gradiva, 1998. [CS 10614/C - FCSH]
THOMAS, Gary– How to do Your Research Project. A Guide for Students in Education and Applied Social Sciences. Londres: SAGE Publications, 2009. Capítulo 6, disponível em:
Teaching method
Theoretical and practice classes. Exhibition of the contents, concepts and problems, and presentation of main issues examples that will be discussed with the students.
Evaluation method
Evaluation Method - Exam(70%), Team work(30%)
Subject matter
1. The scientific acknowledgment. a) Theoretical and epistemological problems of social science. b) Concepts. c) Deontology and ethic.
2. The scientific research. a) The research process. b) The project: definition, problematic, analyses models, variables, hypotheses.
3. Qualitative and quantitative methods and techniques. a) Main features. b) Advantages and disadvantages.
4. The Information Resources. a) Typology. b) Resources research and critics. c) Deontological and quoting rules. d) Bibliographic presentation rules.
5. Academic works. a) Typology. b) Academic writing, structure and presentation rules. c) The book review.
Programs where the course is taught: