History of International Relations
To provide students with a thorough understanding and critical evaluation of the main theoretical and methodological developments in the study of History of International Relations, and the results of the most relevant empirical research.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Daniel da Silva Costa Marcos
Weekly - 4
Total - 168
Teaching language
1. AA.VV., Historia de las Relaciones Internacionales Contemporáneas, Barcelona, Ariel, col. Ariel História, coordenação de Juan Carlos Pereira, 2001.
2. ZORGBIBE Charles, Histoire des rélations internationales (1918-1945). De la paix de Versailles à la Grande-Alliance contre Hitler (1918-1945), Paris, Hachette, col. Pluriel – Référence, 1994, tomo 2º,.
3. DUNBABIN J.P.D, International Relations since 1945 – The Cold War: The great powers and their allies, ,., Londres e Nova Iorque, Longman, 1999, vol. 1º, 4ª ed
4. ROSSOUX, Valèrie-Barbara Les usages de la mémoire dans les Rélations Internationales, Bruxelas, Établissements Émile Bruyilar, 2001.
5. HABERMAS,Jürgen “Kant’s idea of Perpetual Peace, with the benefit of two hundred years “insight”, in Perpetual Peace.Essays on Kant’s cosmopolitan ideal, Cambridge (Massachusetts) e Londres, The Mit Press, coordenação de James Bohman e Mathias Lutz-Bachmann, 1997, pp. 113-153.
Teaching method
In the first half of the semester the classes will be given integrally by the teacher. In the second half classes can exist where the presentation of essays by students can be admitted. These presentations should not exceed 15 minutes and in each class only three essays can be presented (in a total of 45 minutes)
Evaluation method
Evaluation Method - Oral exam on any point of the program to accomplish in the end of the semester(60%), Test on any point of the program to accomplish in the end of the semester(40%)
Subject matter
1. Summary of the great political and diplomatic events within the History of International Relations of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
2. Detailed analysis of the main political and diplomatic events in History of International Relations of the twentieth century.
Programs where the course is taught: