Philosophical Anthropology
a). Acquire a basic historical-philosophical knowledge in the field of Anthropology.
b). Acquire the ability to recognize and understand the main tendencies and features of the European philosophical tradition regarding the concept of human nature.
c). Develop a critical attitude and acquire the ability to reflect on the main issues of Philosophical Anthropology.
d) Acquire a basic knowledge of the complex and multilayered problems that exist in the field of Philosophical Anthropology and of the different research areas that intersect in it.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
António Jorge de Castro Caeiro
Weekly - 4
Total - 168
Teaching language
CAEIRO, António de Castro. (2008). O acesso a outrem como si no seu aí. in “Didaskalia” 38:1. 227-256. UCP. Lisboa.
HEIDEGGER, Martin, and Friedrich-Wilhelm von Herrmann. 1977. Sein Und Zeit. Vittorio Klostermann.
TÁCITO, C., Hutton, M., Peterson, W., Moore, C. H., & Jackson, J. (1962). Tacitus in four volumes. London: William Heinemann.
TUCÍDIDES., FERNANDE, R.. 2013. História da Guerra do Peloponeso. Trad. de Rosado Fernandes. Lisboa. FCB.
Teaching method
(a) Most classes are expository, allowing and promoting the students intervention, in order to clarify the reading of relevant passages from the texts under analysis.(b) Some classes are taught in the so-called seminar regime, i.e., they consist of reading, commenting and text analysis (using pdf projected by computer).(c) Finally, some classes consist of discussing with students the subject matters already presented and the problems raised.
Evaluation method
Métodos de avaliação - In the middle of the semester one exam(20%), At the end of the semester, the final exame (70%), Class Attendence(10%)
Subject matter
In the West, the “human thing” was identified with different configurations: as love (eros, agapê) ambition (pleonexia) and in its last, according to Heidegger, metaphysical formulation, as “will to power” (Nietzsche). In order to understand what makes us humans, we will make a diagnosis of universal Dasein in us from Heidegger's Being and Time with commented readings also of some decisive moments in the tradition of philosophical anthropology: Thucydides (History of the Peloponnesian War I, II.) ; Sophocles (Antigone); Aeschylus (Prometheus Vinctus); Tacitus (Annals I, IV, VI, XII), Heidegger (Being and Time; Nietzsche); Nietzsche (Human too human I).