Seminar: Reading and Interpretation of Philosophical Texts
1-To exercise hermeneutical and heuristic competences;
2-To exercise the ability for terminological conceptual analysis;
3-To exercise the ability to conceive and test interpretative possibilities;
4-To exercise the ability to analyse, discuss and process discussion points;
5-To exercise the ability to produce interpretative expositions of philosophical texts;
6-To exercise the ability for critical reflexion, as well as a sense of dialogue.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Giovanni Damele
Weekly - Available soon
Total - 336
Teaching language
Bernard de Mandeville, The Fable of the Bees, Penguin, 1989
Bernard de Mandeville, A fábula das abelhas, Editora UNESP (Digital), 2017
Teaching method
The text analysis will be introduced by the lecturer. The text will be then discussed with the students. At the end of the academic year, each student must produce a written essay on his chosen sectio from the Fable.
Evaluation method
Evaluation Method - seminar presentation(50%), written essay(50%)
Subject matter
The course will focus on the analysis of Bernard de Mandeville’s The Fable of Bees and on its influence on the traditions of political realism and political and economic liberalism, shedding light on different interpretations, on its relevance for different authors (first of all, Adam Smith), on its different readings (first of all, by Friedrich von Hayek) and also demystifying some common assumptions.