Applied Ethics
1. To deepen the analysis of some of the great landmarks of the philosophical tradition of ethics ; 2. Discerning the contemporary positioning of permanent ethical issues (such as esteem for himself, desire, affection, sexuality , justice , etc.); 3. To understand the impact on ethics of the contemporary ethics of discussion;4. To relate conventional problems of philosophical ethics to contemporary issues, such as global ethics and ecological ethics.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Manuel João Celestino de Matos
Weekly - 4
Total - 168
Teaching language
Not applicable.
KANT, I. (2007). Fundamentação da Metafísica dos Costumes, trad. Paulo Quintela. Lisboa, Edições 70.
KANT, I. (2005), Crítica da Razão prática, trad., introd.e notas Valério Rodhen (edição bilingue). São Paulo, Martins Fontes.
NEIMAN, S. (2004). Evil in Modern Thought. An alternative History of Philosophy. Princeton, Princeton University Press.
ROUSSEAU, J.-J. (2004) Emílio ou da educação, trad. Roberto Ferreira. São Paulo, Martins Fontes.
ROUSSEAU, J.-J. (1999). Discurso sobre a origem e os fundamentos da Desigualdade entre os homens. Lisboa, Didáctica Editora.
Teaching method
The teaching methods include lectures and practical classes with the same academic weight. Discussion of the philosophical texts concerning the application of ethics to the problems of today's society.
Evaluation method
Evaluation Methodologies - continuous evaluation and participation in class(20%), frequency (40%), work with oral defense(40%)
Subject matter
A. The Moral Autonomy in Rousseau
I. Freedom and the foundation of the moral order in Rousseau
II. Rousseau and the foundation of morals
B. The common ground of Rousseau and Kant's morals in ordinary morals
C. The foundation of moral autonomy in Kant
III. The categorical imperative and the foundation of the moral law
IV. The Typic of Practical Reason: moral judgment and symbolic representation in Kant