Modern Philosophy Themes
1. Analysis and commentary of the texts of the great landmarks of modern philosophy.
2. Acquiring a thorough and critical knowledge of the authors of modern thought, through the critical study of fundamental texts of these authors, relating them to other authors of modern philosophy.
3. Understanding the methodological and doctrinal conflicts of the leading philosophers of the modern age, through the interrelationship of the key themes of his philosophical positions.
4. Acquisition of knowledge of the most relevant issues of modern philosophy, enabling critical view of these issues in relation to ancient and medieval tradition.
5. Identification of the break points with big traditional themes, highlighting the specificity of the themes of modern philosophy over traditional.
6. Understanding of the main evolutionary lines of modern philosophy as well as the unity and continuity of its key themes.l
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Nuno Vieira da Rosa e Ferro
Weekly - 4
Total - 168
Teaching language
Not applicable.
PASCAL, B. Pensées (são aceitáveis as edições Brunschvicg, Lafuma, Sellier e Le Guern).
Não são recomendáveis as traduções portuguesas disponíveis.
Havendo dificuldade na leitura do original, recomenda-se a tradução inglesa de Kreilsheimer (p. ex., Penguin Classics, 1995)
Recursos electrónicos:
Teaching method
Course of theoretical-practical character. The methodology used combines a theoretical examination of questions and the interpretation of texts. Analysis and commenting on the texts in question.
Evaluation method
Evaluation Methodologies - Proof of attendance(66,4%), Written work to be discussed with the lecturer(33,6%)
Subject matter
Analysis of the following phenomena:
- fascinatio nugacitatis
- the "strange reversal of man's nature"
- the "incomprehensible spell, the supernatural torpor"
- the human condition as chaos, monster
- imagination, habit, nature