Problematics of the History and Theory of Ideas
1) Understand the complexity of the different conceptions of the History of Ideas, through the confrontation with its multiple approaches.
2) Determine the contribution of the History of political Ideas to reflect on the importance of the History of Ideas in understanding the transformations of Modern political History.
3) Evaluate the importance of the History of political Ideas in the construction of the political contemporary world.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Manuel João Celestino de Matos
Weekly - 4
Total - 168
Teaching language
Not applicable.
HABERMAS, J. (2003), Direito e Democracia, entre factos e normas, trad. F. Seibeneichler. Rio de Janeiro, Tempo Brasileiro, vol. I.
HABERMAS, J, [Theorie und Praxis, 1963], Théorie et pratique, trad. Gérard Raulet. Paris, Payot, 2006.
KANT, I., Metafísica dos Costumes (2005), trad. José Lamego. Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
ROUSSEAU, J-J. (1999), Discurso sobre a origem e os fundamentos da Desigualdade entre os homens. Lisboa, Didáctica Editora.
ROUSSEAU, J.-J., (1999) O Contrato social ou os princípios do direito político, trad. António Danesi. São Paulo, Martins Fontes.
Teaching method
The teaching methods include lectures and pratical classes with the same academic weight.
Evaluation method
Evaluation Methodologies - Continuous evaluation and participation in class(20%), The evaluation consists of Frequency(40%), Work with oral defense(40%)
Subject matter
I. The foundations of Modern Politics
1. The state of nature and modern natural right: Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau.
2. The Theory of Sovereignty and Government in the Social contract.
3) The principles of political right and the foundations of modern democracy.
II. The foundations of Contemporary Politics
4). The History of praxis in Habermas: from natural right to positive right.
5) Praxis and Emancipation.
6) Right and Democracy: the complementarity between right and morality in Democracy.