Themes in Political Philosophy


1) Capacity for critical argumentation on the fundamental themes of modern political philosophy;
2) Ability to solve the problems posed by modern political philosophers;
3) Ability to analyze the problems that intersect in the domain of modern politics in relation to classical politics.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Manuel João Celestino de Matos


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language





HOBBES, T. (1968), Leviathan, edição C. B. Macpherson. London, Penguin Classics.
LOCKE, J. (2017), The Second Treatise on Civil Government. London, Great Books in Philosophy edition.
ROUSSEAU, J.-J. (1999), Discurso sobre a origem e os fundamentos da Desigualdade entre os homens. Lisboa, Didáctica Editora.
ROUSSEAU, J.-J (1999), O Contrato social ou os princípios do direito político, trad. António Danesi. São Paulo, Martins Fontes.
HABERMAS, J. (2003), Direito e Democracia, entre factos e normas, trad. F. Seibneichler. Rio de Janeiro, Tempo Brasileiro.

Teaching method

Teaching methodologies include theoretical and practical classes with the same academic weight. Discussion of the fundamental philosophical texts of modern politics.

Evaluation method

Evaluation Methodologies - Continuous assessment and participation in classes(20%), Frequency and/or written work with oral defense(80%)

Subject matter

The foundations of Modern Politics before and after Rousseau
1. The state of nature and modern natural right: Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau.
2. From natural right to positive right: The Social contract.
3. The principles of political right and the foundations of modern democracy.
4. The Sovereignty Theory in Rousseau.
5. The Government and the principle that institutes the various forms of Government.


Programs where the course is taught: