Physical Geography - Climatology
a) To know the main physical characteristics and movements of Earth and its connection to seasonal and latitudinal climate variations;
b) To understand the basis of the global atmospheric circulation;
c) To perceive the climatic diversity of the Earth, its causes and consequences;
d) To use with critical sense and to map climatic data;
e) To analyse synoptic weather maps;
f) To identify and to explain the several climate types.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
José Eduardo Silvério Ventura
Weekly - 4
Total - 168
Teaching language
DAVEAU, S. (1999). Ambiente Geográfico Natural. (4th ed.). Lisboa: Col. Humanismo e Ciência. Edições João Sá da Costa, p. 17-75.
AGUADO, E. & BURT, J. E. (2014). Understanding Weather and Cimate. (6th ed.). Essex: Pearson. 590p. ou/or
BARRY, R.G. & CHORLEY, R.J. (2010). Atmosphere Weather & Climate. (9th ed.). Londres: Methuen & Co Ltd, 421p. ou/or
CUADRAT, J. Mª. & PITA, Mª. F. (2014). Climatología. (7th ed.). Madrid: Ediciones Cátedra. 496p. ou/or
ESTIENNE, P. & GODARD, A. (1990), Climatologie, (8th ed.). Paris: Col. U. Armand Colin. 367p. ou/or
MAYES, J. & HUGHES, K. (2004). Understanding weather: A visual approach. Londres: Arnold. 188p. ou/or
SHNK, J. (2013). Introducing Meteorology: a guide to Weather. London: Dunedin Acadfemic Press Ltd. 149p.
Teaching method
- Theoretical Lessons where the main topics of the program are presented and discussed the Syllabus with the pupils.
- Practical Lessons with presentation of climatic data sources (type of data, its meaning and cartographic representation; analysis and interpretation of synoptic weather maps and its relation to the weather types).
Evaluation method
Evaluation Method - Assiduity(5%), Participation and work of the student in the classroom and practice written test (35%), Reading selected texts to be evaluate in written tests (60%)
Subject matter
1. Planet Earth: Form, Dimensions and Movements.
2. Different Illumination/Heating of the Globe - Zonal and Seasonal Thermal Variation
3. Atmosphere Structure and Composition.
4. Heat Imbalance and the Man`s influence.
5. Atmospheric Moisture, Evaporation, Condensation, Clouds and Precipitation.
6. Air Masses and Fronts.
7. Highs and Lows Pressure areas and Movements of the Atmosphere.
8. The Climates of the Earth.
9. Climate Change: causes and consequences.