Human Geography


a) To know how to use the language concerning the geographic distribution of human phenomena in space;
b) To understand the characterization and analysis of the relationship between different spaces;
c) To understand the impacts of human activities on the territory;
d) To be able to interpret the implications of the various spatial organization models;
e) To recognize consequences of different models of development in the transformation of space;
f) To be able to interpret maps and other spatial data;
g) To be able identify settlement patterns at different scales of space.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Carlos Manuel Prudente Pereira da Silva


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language



Not applicable


Bradford, M.G. & Kent, W. A. (1987). Geografia Humana. Teorias e suas aplicações. Lisboa: Gradiva, 284p.

Daniels, P., Bradshaw, M. Shaw, D., Sidaway, J. (2008). An Introduction to Human Geography. Issues for the 21st Century (3rd edition). Londres: Pearson, Prentice Hall, 275p.

Diamond, J., (2003). Armas, Germes e Aço. Os destinos das sociedades humanas. Lisboa: Temas e Debates, 653p.

Haggett, P. (2001). Geography: A Global Synthesis. Londres: Prentice Hall, 833p.

Pinchemel, P. & Pinchemel, G. (1992). La Face de la Terre: Éléments de Géographie. Paris: Armand Colin, 519p.

Teaching method

Since the introduction of Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) more intensively since 2010, the teaching methodology has gone from a theoretical and expository model, for a more participatory one synchronous and asynchronous time, focused on student tasks .

Teaching Methods:
- Lectures and participatory (debate). Using video resources and activities in Moodle.
-Group work.
- Computational applications, focused on exploitation of resources:
i) Execution of exercises;
ii) Demonstration projects and / or research;
iii) Research and exploitation of databases.

Evaluation method

Evaluation Method - Autonomous realization of practical exercises(35%), Participation in field trip with a production of a report (15%), Reading of selected scientific texts, combined with lecture notes, assessed through a mid-term test (10%) and a final overall (40%), both written and in situ;(50%)

Subject matter

1. Introduction to Human Geography. Concepts of Space, Time and Place
2. Dynamics of Population Growth
3. Cultural Diversities
4. Human Activities
4.1 Agriculture
4.2 Industry
4.3 Services
5. Geographic Structures
5.1 Settlement, Flows and Networks
5.2 Nodes and Hierarchies
5.3 Spatial Diffusion
6. Territorial Tensions
6.1 Limits and boundaries
6.2 Territorial inequalities
6.3 Globalization. The collapse of geographical space


Programs where the course is taught: