Social and Economic Geography


a) To recognize the importance of historical dimension in explaining the diversity and interdependence of today´s world;
b) To understand the nature of the agents and the processes behind the functioning of the economic system on a global scale;
c) To analyze the main flows ( goods, capital, people , information) at different scales;
d) To understand the role of world / global cities in the functioning of the economic system;
e) To understand the logics of the regional economic systems;
f) To reflect on the extent and limits of the globalization process;
g) To recognize the limits of the "western view" of the World, given the diversity and the multiculturalism of societies;
h) To identify emerging issues in economic and social geography;
i) To develop critical thinking about contemporary economic and social issues;
j) To prepare economic and social reports (analysis, diagnosis and prospective) with a geographical perspective.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

José Afonso Teixeira


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 168

Teaching language





Aoyama, Y., Murphy J. T., Hanson, S. (2011). Key Concepts in Economic Geography. London: Sage, pp.13-70; 111-144.
Coe, N., P. Kelly and H.W.-c. Yeung (2019).Economic Geography. A Contemporary Introduction. 3rd Ed. Malden and Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. (Essential Reading)
Diamond, P. ed., 2018. The crisis of globalization: democracy, capitalism and inequality in the twenty-first century. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.
Dicken, P. (2015). Global Shift. Mapping the Changing Contours of the World Economy (7th ed.). New York: The Guilford Press.(Essential Reading)
Knox, P.L, McCarthy, L., Agnew, J. (2014). The Geography of the World Economy (6th ed.). London and NY: Routledge, pp.1-92.
Tétart, F (dir.) (2017). Grand Atlas 2018. Comprendre le monde en 200 cartes. Paris: Courrier International/ Ed. Autrement

Teaching method

Lectures: extensive explanation of program topics; analysis and discussion of textbooks´ chapters, papers and some films. Development, presentation and discussion of practical works.

Evaluation method

Evaluation Method - Written test about a set of selected texts(55%), Presence in the classes and participation(5%), Theoretical and practical work (about 20 pages), with oral presentation(40%)

Subject matter

1) A long-term vision: from the opening of the world to the era of globalization
1.1) Mercantilism and liberalism: changes in territorial structures of economic systems
1.2) From international to global economy
2) Understand the geography of global changes: Processes, Flows and Spaces
2.1) The great changes in the map of the global economy: macrostructures, connections and networks
2.2) Technology and innovation: impact on the economy, society and territories
2.3) Multinationals and the global economy: impacts on production, trade and investment
2.4) State and global governance: the new functions of the State
2.5) New geographies of international migration and people mobility
2.6) Cities and regions in the global economy: the global network nodes.
3) Globalization, Development and Inequalities
3.1) The process of globalization: extension and limits
3.2) Development, inequality and exclusion
3.3) Adaptation and adjustment to the global economy: Shocks, conflicts and coexistence.


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