Geography of Europe


a)To understand the processes of space-time integration, identity construction and fragmentation of Europe;
b) To evaluate the importance of the spatial dimension in the evolution of the political map of Europe;
c)To interpret the evolution of European landscapes considering the interaction between the natural environment and human activities;
d)To know the evolution of the economic and political blocs of Europe in the post-II WW;
e)To characterize the main stages of evolution of the EEC / EU;
f) To characterize the key EU policies and respective instruments;
g) To know the EU objectives for 2030 and Portugal 2030 Strategy;
h) To recognize the European diversity in population, economy and culture;
i) To recognize the importance of networks (transports, energy, urban linkages,…) in building the European identity and diversity;
j) To develop a critical thinking on European and EU issues;
k)To prepare reports (analysis, diagnosis and prospective) on European issues in a geographic perspective.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Maria Dulce de Oliveira Pimentel Antunes


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language





Adoumié, V. (dir.) (2013). Géographie de l’Europe. Paris: Hachette Supérieur.
Azcárate Luxán, M. V. & Sánchez Sánchez, J. (2013). Geografía de Europa, Madrid : UNED.
Febvre, L. (1999). A Europa: génese de uma civilização. Lisboa: Editorial Teorema.
Jenkins, S. (2020). Breve história da Europa. De Pericles a Putin. Lisboa: Ed. Presença.
López-Palomeque, F. & Plaza, I. (coord.) (2019). Geografía de Europa estructuras, procesos y dinámicas territoriales. PUV.
Murphy, A. B., Bychkov, T. G., Jordan, B. B. (2014). The European Culture Area: A Systematic Geography (6th ed.). UK: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Ostergren, R.C. & Le Bossé, M. (2011). The Europeans: A Geography of people, culture and environment (2nd ed.). New York: Guilford Press.
Steiner, G. (2004). A ideia de Europa. Lisboa: Gradiva.
Tavares, J. (2019). A Europa não é um país estrangeiro. Lisboa: FFMS.
Vandermotten, C & Dézert, B. (2008). L’identité de l’Europe. Histoire et géographie d’une quête d’unité. Armand Colin.

Teaching method

Lectures: extensive explanation of program topics; analysis and discussion of textbooks´ chapters and papers. Development, presentation and discussion of a practical work.


Evaluation method

Evaluation Methodologies - Practical group work with an intermediate assessment, report and oral presentation. Class attendance (minimum 60% of practical classes) and participation in discussions (35%+5%)(40%), Two written tests on selected texts(50%), small exercises in lectures(10%)

Subject matter

1) Europe: the significance of its historical limits, territorial unity and diversity, position in the world
2) Natural geographical environment: geomorphological and bioclimatic diversity
3) Evolution of the political map: unification processes; nations without state; political systems
4) Integration processes within Europe: EEC / EU, EFTA; COMECON
5) From the EEC to the EU: treaties; enlargements; institutions; policies and financing instruments
6) Population, society, culture: demographic dynamics; ethnic, linguistic and religious diversity; human capital
7) Economic activities: the rural spaces and the reorientation of agricultural systems; deindustrialization, tertiarization or servindustrialization of the economies?
8) European networks of transport and energy;international relations
9) Cities and urban systems
10) Regions in decline and emerging territories. Cohesion or territorial fragmentation?
11) Conflicts and crises in Europe today: The EU and Europe - what prospects?


Programs where the course is taught: