Human Geography of Portugal


a) Understand the national territory: population and activities;
b) Analyze the territory in an integrated framework linking the geographical and social issues;
c) Understand the different processes of regional development in Portugal;
d) Identify and analyze the main structuring factors of the Portuguese territory;
e) Interpret landscapes;
f) Develop the ability to investigate and present spatial information at different scales;
g) Communicate results of the undertaken research through written and oral communication;
h) Critically evaluate the role of key actors and factors responsible for organizing the national territory.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Maria Dulce de Oliveira Pimentel Antunes


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language



Not applicable


Barreto, A. (org.) (1996). A situação social em Portugal (1960-95). Lisboa: ICS.
Brito, R. S. (coord.) (2005). Atlas de Portugal. Lisboa: Instituto Geográfico Português/MCOTA.
Mateus, A. (coord.) (2015). Três décadas de Portugal europeu. Balanço e perspectivas. Lisboa: FFMS.
Medeiros, C.A. (2000). Geografia de Portugal: Ambiente Natural e Ocupação Humana - Uma Introdução. Lisboa: Editorial Estampa
Medeiros, C.A. (dir.) (2005). Geografia de Portugal, vol. 2, 3 e 4. Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores.
Ribeiro, O., Lautensach, H. & Daveau, S. (1987 e 1991). Geografia de Portugal (volumes III e IV). Lisboa: Edições João Sá da Costa.

Teaching method

Lectures and participatory classes.
Writing a critical review on one of the selected texts.
The group assignment is developed in the practical classes, with a final presentation and discussion.

Evaluation method

Evaluation Method - Critical review (5% of the final grade); Group assignment report and presentation (30% of the final grade)(35%), Participation and attendance (60% minimum of attendance)(5%), Written test(60%)

Subject matter

1. Portugal: origins and territorial individuality.
2. Portuguese administrative division and regional planning.
3. Population and settlement: dynamics, structures and key factors; migratory movements; from the rural-urban dichotomy to new forms of settlement.
4. Economic activities: agricultural activities, industry and services.
5. Cities and urban development: the example of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area.
6. Portugal in Europe and in the World: EU integration; the Portuguese in the world.


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