Environment and Natural Resources Seminar
a) To recognize the importance of the interdisciplinary approach in the analysis of the environmental problems;
b) To understand the characteristics of environmental degradation and the use of natural resources at different scales;
c) To evaluate the effect of the globalization in the state of the environment and exploration of the natural resources;
d) To analyse the advantages and disadvantages of environmental and economic policies, actions and measures;
e) To analyse the state of the environment and natural resources in Portugal.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Pedro João Cruz Cortesão Casimiro
Weekly - Available soon
Total - 336
Teaching language
BROWN, L. (2006). Plan B 2.0: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble. Nova Iorque: Earth Policy Institute. 365p.
CRAIG, J.R; VAUGHAN, D.J; SKINNER, B.J (2006) - Recursos de la Tierra, Pearson, Madrid, 635p.
CAÑADAS, Luisa Vicedo (2009) - Planificacion y gestion Recursos naturales VOL I e II, UP de Valencia,
FILIPE, J. A; COELHO, M.F; FERREIRA,M.A. (2007) - O Drama dos Recursos Comuns, Edi. Sílabo, 297p.
MATHER, A. S; CHAPMAN, K. (2002) Environmental Resources, Longman, 274 p.
Outros elementos bibliográficos serão fornecidos aos alunos durante as aulas.
Teaching method
Presentation of the subjects by the teacher in the classroom, stimulating the general debate of problems and the fieldwork.
Development of methodologies of scientific team work.
Evaluation method
Evaluation Method - a group written work, with 1-2 oral presentations(70%), an individual written report (30%)
Subject matter
The Curricular Unit is structured on six main subjects:
1) Introduction to global environmental questions
2) The geography of the natural resources
3) The management and use of the natural resources and environmental implications
4) The environment in Portugal - diagnostic
5) The use of the natural resources in the country
6) Future perspectives