a) To present some main tools of quantitative analysis;
b) To recognize the relevance and modernity of Geoeconomics in the broader context of Social Sciences;
c) To discuss the main concepts of microeconomics;
d) To present the main tools of microeconomic analysis;
e) To discuss the main concepts of macroeconomics;
f) To present the main tools of macroeconomic analysis.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
José Manuel Rodrigues Lúcio
Weekly - 4
Total - 168
Teaching language
Krugman, P., WELLS, R., Graddy, K. (2007). Economics. European Edition. New York: Worth Publishers.
Lorot, P. (dir.) (1999). Introduction à la Géoéconomie. Paris: Económica.
Murolo, A. & Bonetto, G. (2004). Matemática aplicada à Administração, Economia e Contabilidade. São Paulo: Thomson Learning.
Porto, M. C. (2009). Economia: um texto introdutório (3ª ed.). Coimbra: Almedina.
Samuelson, P. & Nordhaus, W. (2005). Economia (18ª ed.). Lisboa: Editora McGraw-Hill de Portugal Ldª.
Samuelson, P. & Nordhaus, W. (2005). Economia (18ª ed.). Lisboa: Editora McGraw-Hill de Portugal Ldª.
Teaching method
Theoretical and practical classes. The students have several opportunities to participate in the discussions during classes.
Evaluation method
Reading of selected references: the interpretation and comprehension of these selected references will be tested on a writting test (%35);
Evaluation method
Available soon
Subject matter
1) The variable space in economics.
2) Supply, Demand, Markets
3) Aggregate Supply, Aggregate Demand, Product, Employment, Growth, Inflation, Consumption, Investment, Public Spending, Exports, Imports, Multipliers.
4) Basic notions of national accountability.
5) Equilibrium condition in Economy.
6) Public Policies.
7) The Geoeconomy of Portuguese Regions.