Modern History (17th-18th Century)
a) To attain general knowledge of the most crucial moments of the European political, economic, social and cultural history between the late 16h century and the late 18th century.
b) To develop a critical knowledge of the several historiographical interpretations in the study of early-modern Europe.
c) To master the historiography about early-modern Europe, and develop the capacity to work with archival sources pertinent to that period.
d) To acquire the knowledge and the skills indispensable for post-graduate studies about early-modern European history.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
António Manuel de Almeida Camões Gouveia
Weekly - 4
Total - 168
Teaching language
BLANNING, T. C. W., The Culture of Power and the Power of Culture. Old Regime Europe 1660-1789, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2002.
CHECA, Fernando & José Miguel Morán, El Barroco. El arte y los sistema visuales, Madrid, Istmo, 1989.
COSANDEY, Fanny & Isabelle Poutrin, Monarchies Espagnole et Française, 1550-1714, Paris, Atlande, 2001.
COSTA, Pietro, Civitas. Storia della Cittadinanza in Europa, Bari, Laterza, 1999.
FLORISTÁN IMIZCOZ, Alfredo (org.) Historia Moderna Universal, Barcelona, Ed. Ariel, 2002.
Teaching method
Two types of classes:
-theoretical classes;
-practical classes.
Evaluation method
Available soon
Subject matter
-Europe in the early-17th century.
-The Spanish Monarchy: a composite monarchy.
-The growth of France, England and the United Provinces.
-The various traditions of knowledge during the 17th century.
-The transformation of the political ideas.
-The hegemony of France.
-Europe after the treaty of Utrecht and the instauration of the Bourbon dynasty in Spain.
-The birth of a new understanding of mankind and nature.
-The Austrian Empire under Maria Teresa.
-The European colonialism in mid-18th century.
-The crisis of the Ancien Régime’s political system.