History of Contemporary Brazil
a) Acquire a critical vision of Brazilian history during the period between 1822 and 1930.
b) Acquire skills to analyze the history of Brazil at the political, religious, social, economic and intellectual level.
c) Be able to question the chronological periods and the main themes of Brazilian history since independence until the end of the First Republic.
d) Incorporate, in a comparative perspective, the history of Brazil in world historical development, and particularly in Latin America.
e) Know the different historiographical perspectives on the history of Brazil during the periods and themes in which is divided.
f) Know the main works and the historians who wrote about this period.
g) Ability to explain orally and in writing learning outcomes.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Paulo Jorge Chalante Azevedo Fernandes
Weekly - 4
Total - 168
Teaching language
CARVALHO, José Murilo de e NEVES, Lúcia Maria Bastos Pereira das, Repensando o Brasil do Oitocentos. Cidadania, Política e Liberdade, Rio de Janeiro, Civilização Brasileira, 2009.
CARVALHO, José Murilo de, A construção da ordem. A elite política imperial, Rio de Janeiro, Editora Campus, 1980.
FERREIRA, Jorge e DELGADO, Lucília de Almeida Neves (dir.), O Brasil Republicano. O tempo do liberalismo excludente da Proclamação da República à Revolução de 1930, Rio de Janeiro, Civilização Brasileira, 2010.
GRINBERG, Keila e SALLES, Ricardo, O Brasil Imperial, 3 vols., Rio de Janeiro, Civilização Brasileira, 2009.
RIBEIRO, Gladys Sabina (org.), Brasileiros e cidadãos. Modernidade política, 1822-1930, São Paulo, Alameda Casa Editorial, 2008.
Teaching method
The methodologies used consist of theoretical presentations by the Professor accompanied by practical classes for debate
on some predefined themes. Each student must also prepare a written individual paper, based on literature and
contemporary sources, to be delivered by mail at the end of the semester. Practical classes represent approximately 40% of
all classes.
Evaluation method
Available soon
Subject matter
Introduction (1807-1822): the impact of the Portuguese Court transfer to Brazil and the construction process of Independence.
1. The First Reign (1822-1831):
2. The Second Kingdom (1831-1889):
3. The First Republic (1889-1930).