History of the Portuguese in Asia


Available soon

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Paulo Jorge Corino de Sousa Pinto


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language





Costa, J. P. O e Rodrigues, V. L. G. (1992). Portugal y Oriente: el Proyecto Indiano del Rey Juan. Madrid: Ed. MAPFRE.
Disney, A (2009). A History of Portugal and the Portuguese Empire, vol. II, «The Portuguese Empire». Cambridge University Press, 119-203.
Hespanha, A. M. (2019). Filhos da Terra: identidades mestiças nos confins da expansão portuguesa. Lisboa: Tinta da China.
Subrahmanyam, S. (1995). O Império Asiático Português, 1500-1700. Uma História Política e Económica. Lisboa: Difel.
Thomaz, L. F. F. R. (1995). De Ceuta a Timor. Lisboa: Difel.

Teaching method

The teaching process is divided in: a) theoretical classes, based on lectures by the teacher, and b) practical classes, with discussion of themes and questions through the presentation, analysis and commentary of texts, audiovisual products and other materials.

Evaluation method

Método de avaliação - a) a written test, without consultation(50%), a written essay or commen(25%), c) attendance and participation in practical classes(25%)

Subject matter

1. Images, concepts and authors; Asia in European Antiquity and Middle Ages; the Iberian expansion in the fifteenth century.
2. Facts, frameworks and chronologies; Asia Maritime at the turn of the sixteenth century; strategies of penetration and fixation in the different spaces and contexts; crises and North European competition; the decline and the survival of the Empire.
3. Formal and informal presences; The «Estado da Índia»; products and routes, trade structures and Asian partnerships; the religious missions and the «Padroado Português do Oriente»; the European empires in Asia.
4. Faces and powers in Luso-Asian societies; noblemen, soldiers, merchants and missionaries; shapes and outlines of a “«shadow empire»; the «Portuguese tribes» in Asian contexts.
5. Encounters and cultural impacts; discovery and knowledge of the World; travel literature and crossed views of “the Other”; images and reminiscences of the Empire: the orientalisms in Portugal.


Programs where the course is taught: