Baroque Art History
1.Knowledge of art and architecture subjects and problems of the European art in the 17th and 18th Centuries. 2.Knowledge of the most important patronage and artistic achievements in different countries and regions of the Catholic and Protestant Europe during this period 3.Knowledge and reconnaissance of the stylistic and cultural aspects of the most relevant artists related to the Baroque aesthetic principles. 4.Knowledge of some historians and useful History of Art books about this period and artists. 5.Capacity of writing a short essay about these matters of visual arts.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Sabina de Cavi
Weekly - 4
Total - 168
Teaching language
1.Alpers, Svetlana (1983). The art of describing: Dutch art in the Seventeenth Century. London: John Murray. 2.Argan, Giulio Carlo (1987). El arte italiano de Miguel Angel a Tiépolo.Madrid: Akal. 3.Brown, Jonathan (1998). Painting in Spain. 1500-1700. New Haven- London: Yale University Press. 4.Martin, John Rupert (1991). Baroque. London: Penguin Books. 4.Mignot, Claude & Rabreau, Daniel (Eds.) (1996). Temps Modernes. XV-XVIII siècles. Paris: Flammarion. 6.Norberg-Schulz, Christian (1972). Arquitectura barroca. Madrid: Aguilar. 7.Tapié, VIctor (1974). Barroco e Classicismo (Vols. 1-2). Lisboa: Editorial Presença. 8. Toman, Roff (Ed.) (2004). O Barroco. Arquitectura, escultura, pintura. Lisboa: Konemann. 9.Wittkower, Rudolf (1980). Art and architecture in Italy. 1600-1750. London: Penguin Books.
Teaching method
Teaching methodologies are incorporated in the proceedings of Art History as a discipline based upon the consideration of the works and languages inherit to visual culture throughout the centuries. Embracing problems of architecture and urban history, painting, sculpture and some aspects of decorative arts, lectures should communicate some skills and methodological practice. So, they are organized by a sequence of slides showed in a power-point device, sometimes associated to commented texts.
Evaluation method
Evaluation Method - a book or a part of a book review (8pp.)(25%), a file of an art work (3-5pp.) (25%), a test on all the syllabus(50%)
Subject matter
1.The term Baroque and the artistic historiography about the 17th and 18th Centuries in Europe. 2.The importance of Rome, head of the Holy See, and the great Catholic Baroque definitions. 3.Regional focuses of the Italian Peninsula and the process of Baroque internationalization. 4.The Flemish art and the visual effects in its painting. 5.The great achievements of the Spanish Golden Century and its artistic centers. 6.France between Baroque and Classicism patterns in the Louis XIV reign. 7.Holland and the optical primary in the Dutch painting. 8.Central Europe Baroque between the 17th and 18th Centuries and the transition to Rococo.