a) To know the main authors responsible for developing both the iconographic and iconological methods of analyses of works of art
b ) To recognize the importance of iconography and iconology as complementary areas to the exam of an artistic object
c ) To identify the essential themes and its variants in the history of Western European Art
d) To apply in case studies (national or internacional) this analytical method
e) To develop a research paper on the subject in order to test the method of analysis.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Carla Maria Lagoas Gaspar Varela Fernandes
Weekly - 4
Total - 168
Teaching language
As fontes primárias serão indicadas em sala de aula.
CASTIÑEIRAS GONZÁLEZ, Manuel António - Introducción al método iconográfico. Barcelona, Ed. Ariel, 1998.
GOMBRICH, Ernst - Imágenes simbólicas. Estudios sobre el arte del Renacimiento. Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 1983.
GONÇALVES, Flávio - História de Arte: iconografia e crítica. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional, 1990.
GRIMAL, Pierre - Dicionário da Mitologia Grega e Romana. Lisboa, Difel, 2009. [1951]
MÂLE, Émile - L’Art Religieux de la Fin du Moyen Âge en France. Étude sur l’iconographie du Moyen Âge et sur ses sources d’inspiration, Paris, Armand Colin, 1925.
PANOFSKY, Erwin. Estudos de Iconologia. Temas Humanísticos na Arte do Renascimento. 2a ed., Lisboa, Estampa, 1995. [1939]
RÉAU, Louis - Iconografía del arte cristiano. Barcelona, Ediciones del Serbal, 2000. [1955-59]
VAN STRATEN, Roelof - An Introduction to Iconography. Symbols, allusions and meaning in the visual arts. Londres, Taylor & Francis, 2007. [1985]
Teaching method
The teaching methodology and the final evaluation of the course are based on the rules in force at FCSH / NOVA. The classes are divided in theoretical and practical types. The classes are based on multimedia projections (and also on Internet resources), and written texts provided in Moodle platform. Such pedagogical materials enable the internal debate of the syllabus and also enable its explanation in class. During the classes, students may measure, formatively, their knowledge, and can also put together their doubts and difficulties.
Evaluation method
Evaluation Method - Oral participation in class and attendance (10%), a frequency / an exam (40%), a research paper (50%)
Subject matter
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