History of 19th and 20th Century Art in Portugal


Students are expected to:

  • Get to know the main art and architecture movements and proposals in Portugal in the 19th and 20th centuries.

  • Reflect on defining issues in artistic and architectural production in the period under study.

  • Know the figures who stood out in art, architecture, urbanism, art criticism and historiography, heritage theory and museology in the period under study.

  • Compare artistic production in Portugal and abroad, identifying influences, gaps and specificities.

  • Compare artistic developments and the political, economic and cultural situations that marked the history of the 19th and 20th centuries in Portugal.

  • Know circulation and reception in visual arts, analysing key art exhibitions and the development of the Portuguese modern and contemporary art institutions.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Mariana Ferreira Roquette Teixeira


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 168

Teaching language





AAVV – Arte Portuguesa do Século XIX (1850-1910) (coord. Pedro Lapa e Maria de Aires Silveira). Lisboa: MNAC – Museu do Chiado, 2010.

AAVV – Arte Portuguesa do século XX (1910-1960) (coord. Pedro Lapa e Emília Tavares). Lisboa: MNAC – Museu do Chiado, 2011.

AAVV – Museu Nacional de Soares dos Reis. Pintura Portuguesa 1850-1950. Lisboa: Instituto Português de Museus, 2001.

ALMEIDA, Bernardo Pinto – Arte Portuguesa no Século XX. Uma História Crítica. Coral Books, 2017.

FRANÇA, José Augusto – História da Arte em Portugal no século XIX. 2 volumes. Lisboa: Bertrand, 1966.

FRANÇA, José-Augusto – História da Arte em Portugal no século XX. Lisboa: Bertrand, 1985.

PEREIRA, Paulo (dir.) – História da Arte Portuguesa. Lisboa: Temas & Debates, vol.III, 1995.

PERNES, Fernando (coord.) - Panorama: Arte Portuguesa no Século XX, Porto: Fundação de Serralves, Campo das Letras, 1999.

RODRIGUES, Dalila (Coord.) – Arte Portuguesa. Da Pré-História ao século XX. Fobu Editores, 2009.

Teaching method

Lecture classes using audiovisual media and group discussion sessions of selected case studies and fundamental texts. Presentation and discussion of the research papers.

Evaluation method

Evaluation Methodologies - Class participation and discussion of the selected texts(10%), final test(40%), research paper and its presentation(50%)

Subject matter

- Traces of Neoclassicism in architecture, painting and sculpture.
- The cult of national monuments, revivals and eclecticism.
- Reactions to history painting’s classical iconographies.
- The creation of a “Portuguese painting school” under the sign of Naturalism. Soares dos Reis’s renewal of sculpture. The permanence and crisis of naturalist aesthetics.
- From the I Salão dos Humoristas (1912) to Modernism. The "Orpheu" and "La Simultanée" circles. "Portugal Futurista" magazine (1917).
- Amadeo de Souza Cardoso and "Abstraccionismo" exhibition (1916).
- Graphics and illustration in the 1920s. A Brasileira do Chiado and Bristol Club as “alternative museums”.
- The I Salão dos Independentes (1930) and the "Presença" generation.
- Modernist architecture in the 1920s-1930s.
- António Ferro’s “Policy of the Spirit” and opposing artistic movements.
- Experimental art forms in the 1960s and 1970s. "Alternativa Zero" exhibition (1977).
- "After Modernism" (1983) and the “return to painting".


Programs where the course is taught: