Technical-Scientific Translation Practice (Portuguese to German)


a) To acquire translation skills into the foreign language in the field of technical translation;
b) To develop linguistic proficiency in written German;
c) To analyze the specific characteristics of various texts;
d) To develop analytical skills and flexibility;
e) To learn and employ a variety of means of research. 

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Ana Maria Garcia Bernardo


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language



Available soon


Bernardo, A. (2021) Propedêutica da Tradução. Vila Nova de Famalicão:Húmus
Bernardo, A. (2013) Operações de tradução. In: Ferreira, C. et al. (eds), A Scholar for all Seasons. Lisboa: CEAUL, 145-158
Bernardo, A. (2011) Estratégias de tradução. In: Clara, F. et al. (eds.), Várias Viagens. Vila Nova de Famalicão: Húmus, 437-455
Bernardo, A. (1997-98) Para uma tipologia de dificuldades de tradução. In: Runa, 27, Porto, 75-94
Nord, Ch. (2009) Textanalyse und Übersetzen. Tübingen: Julius Groos.

Teaching method

1 - Exercises in class (application of previously explained key concepts to technical and scientific texts)
2 - Commented translations of previously prepared technical and scientific texts (with justification of translational choices)
3 - Commented translation of a technical/scientific text (final individual work)
4- Written test

Evaluation method

Método de avaliação - Continuous evaluation, with no final examination, together with active participation in the work set; items 1, 2, 3 and 4 (above mentioned in Teaching methods) have equal weighting. (100%)

Subject matter

1) Practicing translation into the foreign language in the field of technical and scientific texts
2) Translation issues (specific terminology, phraseology).
3) Resolution strategies (corpora, data bases, dictionaries, glossaries).


Programs where the course is taught: