Translation Practice: Social and Human Sciences (French to Portuguese)


a) Previously identify translation contexts and situations involving the transmission of the source text and the target text;
b) To learn about research methods and the use of specific resources in the area of translation;
c) Acquire competencies in the translation of texts in the field of Social Sciences and Humanities through the practice of translation; 
d) To be able to identify and distinguish specific terminologies in different areas of Social Sciences and the Humanities;
e) Acquire criteria for reflection, criticism and self-criticism concerning the practice of translation. 

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Ana Paiva Morais


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language



Linguistic skills in French correspondent to level A2.2


Baker, M. and Saldanha, G. (eds.) (2011). Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies, 2nd ed. London : Routledge.
Eco, U. (2005), Dizer quase a mesma coisa. Sobre a tradução. Lisboa: Difel.
Mesure, S. et Savidan, P. (ed.) (2006). Dictionnaire des sciences humaines. Paris : Presses Universitaires de France. 
Ricoeur, P. (2005). Sobre a tradução. Lisboa: Cotovia.
Seleskovitch, D. e Lederer, M. (2001). Interpréter pour traduire. Paris: Didier érudition.
Venuti, L. (2013). Translation Changes Everything: Theory and Practice. London and New York: Routledge. 

Teaching method

Lectures and seminars, using ICT resources and the Moodle platform, academic databases and existing resources in libraries supporting research into the Social Sciences and Humanities. 
In class teaching.

Evaluation method

Método de avaliação - Portfolio(40%), Proof of attendance (30%), Translation assignment carried out with tutorial guidance focusing on a text from the Social Sciences and Humanities(30%)

Subject matter

1. Translating texts in the Social Sciences and Humanities ;
2. Available resources and tools;
3. The variety of genres: treatise, essay, article, communication, paper and academic publishing 
4. Preparing the work: context of the source text; the communication context;
5. Translation practice in the Social Sciences and Humanities: Anthropology, Philosophy, History, Linguistics, Literature, Sociology, and Translation Theory. 
5.1. Linguistic analysis: terminology, language, lexis, morpho-syntactic structure of the source text; 5.2. linguistic analysis: discourse, word order, clarity/obscurity; 5.3. Correctness and faithfulness of the target text; self-evaluation exercises;
6. Preparing glossaries and short vocabulary word lists. 


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