Business and Commercial Translation Practice (Spanish to Portuguese)


a) Get to know translation contexts and transmission situations for the target and source texts.
b) Get acquainted with research methods and specific resources for translation.
c) Acquire skills regarding translation of business texts through translation practice.
d) Be able to establish specific terminologies in the business field.
e) Establish criteria to think about, analyse and assess the practice of translation.
f) Work on a translation project, with critical analysis, in the study language.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Marco António Franco Neves


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language



Available soon


AA.VV. (2005). Vocabulario de derecho administrativo. Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto.
VAGEHUCTEN, L. (2005).  El léxico del discurso económico empresarial: identificación, selección y enseñanza en español como lengua extranjera con fines específicos. Madrid: Iberoamericana.
MONDRIA, J. (2004). Diccionario de la Comunicación Comercial. Madrid: Ediciones Díaz de Santos.
MARTIN, F. (2003). Aspectos del léxico económico-empresarial. Murcia: Universidad de Murcia.
MARCOS MARIN, F. (1998). El Comentario Lingüístico, Metodología y Práctica. Madrid: Cátedra.
Periódicos espanhóis e portugueses da área da especialidade.

Teaching method

The unit will be taught using a combination of theoretical lectures and practical classes during which the students engage in various research and analysis tasks in order to acquire knowledge about the subjects studied and specific vocabulary.

Evaluation method

Método de avaliação - Written translations of selected texts, pre-prepared and personally presented in class (60%), final written translation test (no consultation allowed) (40%)

Subject matter

1. Aspects of business: law, administration, accounting, human resources.
2. Productive actions of companies and the different sectors of the economy.
3. The role of translation in business communication.
4. Tasks involving identification and solution of problems regarding vocabulary, semantics and syntax in a comprehensive corpus of business texts.
5. Translation practice with different kinds of texts, regarding different aspects of business activities. 


Programs where the course is taught: