Technical-Scientific Translation Practice (French to Portuguese)
a) To acquire specific knowledge on technical and scientific terminology.
b) To be able to understand the source text in order to produce a technically and scientifically accurate translation in correct Portuguese;
c) To identify and solve the text’s terminological and notional difficulties using the available translation tools: glossaries, corpora, parallel texts and specialized dictionaries.
d) To understand the need to use neologisms and foreign words, given the non-translatable nature of certain terms.
e) To favour the clarity and objectivity characteristics of the informative text.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Christina Philomène Léa Marie-José Dechamps
Weekly - 4
Total - 168
Teaching language
Available soon
Bedard, C. (1986). La traduction technique: principes et pratique. Montréal: Linguatech.
Ballard, M. (2010). Traductologie et Enseignement de la Traduction à l’Université. Artois : Presses Université.
Maillot, J. (1981). La traduction scientifique & technique. Paris: Technique & Documentation.
Nord, C. (2008). La traduction : une activité ciblée – Introduction aux approches fonctionnalistes. Arras : Artois Presses Université.
Oliveira, I. (2015). Terminologie, traduction et rédaction technique. Des ponts entre le français et le portugais. Limoges : Lambert-Lucas.
Teaching method
Lectures and seminars, using CAT Tools, terminological databases and existing resources in libraries supporting research.
Evaluation method
Método de avaliação - active participation (10%), 1 written homework assignment (30%), 2 written tests(60%)
Subject matter
1. Introduction to technical and scientific translation.
2. The competences of the scientific and technical translator.
3. Types of scientific and technical texts.
4. Identifying and solving the main problems of scientific and technical translation.
5. Research for translation: methods and tools.
6. Terminology management - identification of terms and elaboration of glossaries.
7. Basic notions of Architecture, Medecine, Pharmacology, Road Transport and Finances.