English Translation Seminar
1. Develop research competences in Translation Studies, so that students know how to
a) independently conduct a resarch work in an area of their scientific or professional interest, using adequate reserch methods
b) show in-depth knowledge of key concepts and current debates in this research field.
2. Develop translation competences in a chosen translation domain, so that students know how to
a) translate complex texts in demanding situations, adhering to professional standards
b) solve translation-specific challenges
c) justify their translation solutions using adequte terminology.
3. Develop interpersonal and service provision competences, so that students know how to
a) self-evaluate their learning process
b) keep updating their translation competences
c) adhere to ethical and professiona standards
d) constructively interact with different translation agents.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Hanna Marta Pieta Candido, Maria Zulmira Bandarra de Sousa Verissimo Castanheira
Weekly - Available soon
Total - 336
Teaching language
This unit will be taught in English and Portuguese and will involve tranlating from English into Portuguese. Students are thus required to have active and passive competences in these languages (C2 level).
CEN. (2015). Translation Services: Requirements for translation services. BS EN ISO 17 100:2015. Brussels: CEN.
Gambier, Yves and Luc van Doorslaer. (2010-2021). Handbook of Translation Studies. Benjamins: Online (online).
Pym, Anthony. (2021). Translator Ethics. In Kaisa Koskinen & N. K. Pokorn (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Ethics. London: Routledge.
Saldanha, Gabriela and Sharon O’Brien. (2013). Research Methodologies in Translation Studies. London: Routledge.
Sandset, Tony Joakim. (2021). Translating Global Epidemics: The Case of Ebola. In Şebnem Susam-Saraeva & Eva Spišiaková (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Health (pp. online). London: Routledge.
Williams, Jenny and Andrew Chesterman. (2002). The Map: A Beginner’s Guide to Doing Research in Translation Studies. Manchester: St. Jerome.
Teaching method
The teaching method is mainly reflexive, student-centred and oriented to the issues which make up the contents of the seminar. In the first stage, which is both theoretical and practical in nature, the classes will cover critical analysis of translation research. In the second stage, which is essentially practical in nature, students will be supervised (individually or in small groups) during the execution of the final research work and e-porfolios. Throughout the semester students will have many opportunities to interact with researchers and professionals from the industry, who will be invited to lead workshops, lectures or participate in online discussions about good practices in translation research and good practices on the translation market. The unit has a strong digital component, evident via the ample use of such tools as e-portfolio, Slido, videoconferencing)
Evaluation method
Evaluation Methodologies - - in-class test - e-portfolio (15%+30%)(45%), - participation(15%), - research project(40%)
Subject matter
The syllabus will be flexible enough to ajust to students' individual interests, both scientific and professional. Possible topics include:
1. Translation Studies
1.1.Key areas; research types and methods
1.2. Hot research topics (incl. accessibility, machine translation literacy, localisation, multimodality, crisis translation, translation and globalization, indirect translation)
2. Translation practice. Individual and team activities involving translation a revision of a vast range of texts (literary, scientific, technical, audiovisual, etc.) and with resort to appropriate tools and conventions.
3. Professional ecosystem of translation
3.1. Translation agents (clients, translators, revisers, project managers, associations, etc.)
3.2. Workflows and stages of a translation project
3.3. Career paths and commercial aspects (training, professional prospects and interactions, CV, e-portfolio, budget).