Planning and Urban Governance
The course aims to develop the following skills:
a) Knowledge and understanding (contemporary dynamics of urban systems, relations between these dynamics and public policies, relations between new local governance forms and territorial planning in coping with contemporary problems, etc.);
b) Uses of knowledge (capacity to use a combination of conceptual, theoretical and technic approaches to address real planning problems, etc.)
c) Evaluation capacity (capacity to evaluate state intervention in territorial planning processes, etc);
d) Communication capacity (ability to build sound arguments and to convey them to different types of audiences, etc.);
e) Learning capacity (ability to learn and develop research with a high degree of autonomy, etc.).
General characterization
Responsible teacher
João Alberto Figueira de Sousa
Weekly - Available soon
Total - 168
Teaching language
Available soon
Caldas, José Maria Castro; Perestrelo, Margarida 1998, Instrumentos de Análise para o Método dos Cenários. I - Análise Estrutural, Working Paper, Dinâmia, Lisboa
Delamarre, Aliette e Marie-Claude Malhomme (2002), La prospective territoriale, Paris, La Documentation française, DATAR
Douglass, M. and Friedmann, J. 1998, Cities for Citizens: Planning and the Rise of Civil Society in a Global Age, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester
Friedmann, J. 1987, Planning in the Public Domain, Princeton University Press, Princeton (E.120 FRI*Pla - 27768)
Guell, José Miguel Fernández (1997), Planificación Estratégica de Ciudades, Barcelona, Editorial Gustavo Gili, S.A.
Guerra, Isabel (Coord.); Caldas, J.M. Castro; Caria, Fernando; Moura, Dulce; Perestrelo, Margarida e Pinto, Teresa C. (1999): A Baixa Pombalina - Diagnóstico, Prospectiva e Estratégia de Actores, Oeiras, Celta Editora
Teaching method
The course is exposed in three distinct phases:
a) Definition of the overarching framework for the themes being addressed;
b) Development of contributions of future studies and strategic planning assuming territory as a space of collective acting
c) The different phases may involve lectures, case studies and brainstorming open to the whole class or in small groups.
The assessment is based on the individual preparation of a short essay. Participants are invited to develop a small individual research project that will take the form of a case study.
The theme will be defined with regard to the work program of the course and after formal acceptance of the teaching staff.
Evaluation method
Available soon
Subject matter
1. Contemporary conditions, urban governing and new urban governance
2. Globalization, dynamics of change and challenges in territorial planning
3. History of territorial planning
4. Planning theory, theory ‘in’ planning and limits of ‘spatial separatism’
5. Future studies and strategic planning
6. Styles, models and territorial planning tools in Portugal
7. Paradigms and territorial planning methods and technics
8. Knowledge production, learning and skills development